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Rand Paul stopped renewal of certain provisions of the PATRIOT Act. Good for him. If he’s doing it for fundraising, maybe he’s doing it right.

2 Responses to “Good”

  1. Adam Lawson Says:

    He’s quite literally the last hope the Stupid Party has of getting my vote.

    If the establishment installs a pro-big-government goober, then they clearly aren’t interested in me being a part of their party.

    If the religious extremists install a pro-big-government (in the form of being concerned with what consenting adults do with their genitals in private) goober, then they clearly aren’t interested in me being a part of their party.

    My vote is for sale to the highest bidder and the currency is freedom.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Well-said, Adam! The republicans CLAIM they want to be a ” big tent” party, but clearly their establishment despises and disdains Constitutionalists and pro liberty people. Then they put up candidates who do NOTHING to get their (my) votes and tell us we’d better vote for them lest the OTHER more leftist authoritarian wins. Rand Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate who is doing his job now according to the Constitution which is how and why he will get my vote.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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