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Home invasion

So, six guys bust into your house and your reaction would be “Man, I wish this magazine held fewer rounds”

4 Responses to “Home invasion”

  1. Ron W Says:

    Those who ask, ‘why do you need that hi-cap “assault weapon”?’have a right to their irrational rhetorical question. They also have a right not to have a semi-auto rifle, “assault weapon” falsely so-called.But they nor the government have no legitimate power to tell anyone what they choose to defend themselves! That’s especially true for those who want to take from others shot they keep for themselves!!

  2. Andrew Says:

    I wondered where that was, I saw it on The BookFace. 6 on 1 usually is a recipe for disaster.

  3. Lyle Says:

    Anyone (other than a criminal, one with criminal intent, or one engaged in active combat) who worries about the large number of cartridges in someone else’s firearm is insane. It’s more insane, even, than politicizing the weather, which is pretty freaking insane.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Lyle, only your enemy wants you disarmed…or if not, with limited ammo.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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