All the news that’s printed to fit
So, Bloomberg is going to start his own editorial operation that will promote on gun control propaganda. I guess they’re out of ideas.
So, Bloomberg is going to start his own editorial operation that will promote on gun control propaganda. I guess they’re out of ideas.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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June 16th, 2015 at 6:43 pm
Yes this little video clip shown repeatedly would destroy any credibility Bloomberg may have. It would also apply to others of the elite ruling class who work to disarm us:
June 16th, 2015 at 9:19 pm
Nice vid, Ron. “Ask Bloomberg a question and you get followed.” Perfect. They’re accustomed to being able to intimidate people, and when someone isn’t itimidated, they go crazy.
As for destroying credibility, it depends on observer’s allegence. Someone allied with Bloomberg will see an unfair “assault” on the poor, down-trodden Bloomie.
They’ve had over 100 years to come up with ideas (lies). The only ideas (lies) they (the Progressives) have left are the more blatantly insane ones.
That’s a blessing for us, and a curse, at the same time. It’s a blessing because it will show people on the fence that Progressivism really is batshit insane after all, and it’s a curse because millions of people will eagerly go along with the blatantly insane ideas.
June 16th, 2015 at 9:38 pm
FYI, there is already a parody site on Book Face.
June 17th, 2015 at 1:14 pm
Lyle, maybe I assume too much thinking the majority of folk despise a blatant hypocrite and prefer that everyone be subject to “the equal protection of the laws”. That is, if gun control is good for us, then it’s good for Bloomberg and the rest of’em. But then, that’s just me, I guess.
June 17th, 2015 at 7:13 pm
Ron; it is just you, or mostly so. There may be a few who are teetering on the fence, who would be swayed, but no Progressive die-hard is going to be phased in the slightest. For the most part then, it will appeal to those who already see Bloomberg for the dork he is.
Hey, if Hillary and Bill aren’t already in prison, the Hillary actually has some chance of being president, after ALL the long litany of crimes and misdemeanors those two have committed, with several of their former friends either in prison or having fled the country, the Bloomberg video isn’t even a blip.
Anyway; everyone, and I mean everyone who’s given it a millisecond’s thought, knows that politicians in positions of power, and the very rich, all have armed guards. No one doesn’t know that, so how can the revelation that Bloomberg has armed guards, and that armed guards can be pushy, be news? Every anti gun President, Representative, Senator, high-ranking Judge, et al, has armed guards. Joeseph Stalin had armed guards.
Yes; they’re hipocrites. So are all Progressives/socialists/communists/Fascists, et al. Peas in a pod. Partners in crime. Soul mates. Members of the same gang/cult. A tiny little ole thing like that is nothing. The Progressive on the street will see that and envy Bloomberg’s position and power, while wishing his guards would have beat the shit out the of the smartass asking him questions. Bloomberg’s a friend. That guy’s an enemy; squash him.
Really, Man; understand what we’re up against here. I know those people. I hung out with them, partied with them, drank whiskey underage and smoked pot with their professors. I had an intimate relationship with local Progressive icons for years and years. I know what they say to one another when they think they’re in safe company.
The soda ban would be more a powerful indictment, only because some Progressives still like to drink soda. The one’s outside of New York though? They won’t care. Somebody, after all, has to tell us to eat right. “Damn those Big Food Companies, Big Drug Companies, and all the rest. Burn it all down!”
June 20th, 2015 at 4:13 pm
Lyle, no doubt you’re correct about the ” progressive diehards”. They are intent on being ” progressive” to crush liberty for the likes of of us. Like guns, they intend to take from others what they keep for themselves. I was engaging in the hope that such evil hypocrisy may sway a few ” teetering on the fence” along with a “useful idiot” or two. I do think it’s always good to expose “the works of darkness” to the light. Otherwise, for the unrepentant, give em what they need instead of what they want.