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But it’s a gun free zone

Active shooter at Washington Navy Yard

Update: No shooter after all.

12 Responses to “But it’s a gun free zone”

  1. Ron W Says:

    When are the White House, Congress and other of our SERVANT EMPLOYEE areas going to be gun-free so they may lead by example?

  2. Anon Says:

    It’s a nicer neighborhood than when I worked there about ten years ago, but that isn’t saying much. The area still has some issues. Gunshots were common not so long ago. The streets were not safe for anyone; I had a few friends attacked in broad daylight.

    Today the whole area has gentrified 1000% but shadows (and some subsidized housing) remain.

    My guess: a nearby gunshot spooked someone on base. I don’t blame them for locking down.

  3. treefroggy Says:

    Seems to be an active hoax as of 10 AM .

  4. Ellen Says:

    On the Fourth, I intend to be unobtrusively armed. It probably will stay unobtrusive. But who knows?

  5. comatus Says:

    In this town (My This Town) anything shy of 88mm on 2 July would be shrugged off as random fireworks. No way you’d get an extra day on a 3-day weekend out of it.

    Who knows how many mass killings have been overlooked?

  6. TS Says:

    I wouldn’t be terribly surprised to find out that it was Jadegold who called in the false alarm.

  7. Shrimp Says:

    There’s a name I haven’t heard in a while. It does seem like Mr. Cabot’s kind of thing, does it not?

  8. Anon Says:

    The local agencies I am aware of had given everyone a half-day today, in addition to the holiday tomorrow. So I doubt an employee was looking for a day off; calling in a fake threat is likely to keep you there longer under lockup than if you had just done your three hours (yes, that is the ‘half day’ requirement) and gone home. And the traffic snarls from something like this will last hours. All the managers took the day off anyway, so it’s not like you’d have to even look like you were trying.

    Like I said – probably just a random shot characteristic of the locale and a strong response.

  9. Lyle Says:

    The Freak-Out threshold has been successfully lowered. Thank you, Media. Now someone farts and a whole facility goes into lockdown. That’s good execution and damage assessment of Progressive psy-ops.

    (Hey, just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get us)

  10. Robert Says:

    I heard it was “Construction noise”. They mistook a roofing gun for a firearm maybe?

  11. Ron W Says:

    Lyle, the paranoid ones are those who want to take from others what they keep for themselves. And whenever there’s a newsworthy shooting, it’s obvious who they are.

  12. Anon Says:

    @Lyle: the threshold is much lower than I rememeber. When I worked there more than a decade ago there was a shoot-out right across M Street. They announced over the intercoms that we might want to give it a half-hour before we walked out that side of the building.

    This was before NavSea moved in with their fancy new buildings and uncontaminated air (there was a DC garbage transfer warehouse right across the street from the Yard). Actually, this was just months before 9/11.

    Things change, I guess.

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