Archive for July, 2015

July 07, 2015

There ought to be a law

I build houses. Every time the building code changes, we joke that it’s because someone did something stupid. The law is no different:

Days after her son was killed instantly after setting off a firework on top of his head, a Maine mother is calling for stricter laws on who can have access to the explosives.

And by “explosives” the “journalist” means fireworks. You can’t outlaw stupid or a case of “Hey, ya’ll, watch this”

Almost like 3D printing

Gunmold: A mold you can use to make an AR-15 lower receiver:

Anti Gunners Lose Wal-mart suit

Remember the shareholders suing Wallyworld to get them to stop selling guns? They lost.

You can’t fight math

Greece is the word

Gun Porn

Gardner Gun

Gettin’ Siggy with it

Simple and compact low-cost DIY submachine gun prototype

July 06, 2015

Life in a small town

As I mentioned before, we had a bit of a disaster in The City (My The City). While my house was technically in the evacuation zone, my subdivision was not told to evacuate. So, I stayed put with the family.

Hats off to CSX. Seriously. They came in and booked hotel rooms for the displaced locals. They provided food, water, and even cash to people.

But, also, hats off to my fellow The City (My The City)ans. Through social media, I watched as, via neighborhood facebook pages and a local gun board, people aiding other people. Locals were offering to pick people up and transport them to safety, taking food and water to other people, looking after pets, and, generally, being excellent to each other.

I like this town. I think I’ll stay.

What caliber for angry mob?*

Via the captain, mob of teens rampages a Wal-Mart.

* 9mm obviously because 18 in the gun and 34 more on the hip would be handy.

Take down AR-15

New from Ruger. I guess just separating the upper and lower wasn’t enough.

Mass shootings are contagious

And probably due to the press coverage.

Heard around the house

Hey, Junior, you’re famous on the internet again!

But that’s an old picture. I really need some new ones.

XM1 Modular Handgun System

Three contenders for the contract that will never be. Via TBolt who suggests a 1911.

Quote of the day

Lynne Russell:

The discussion over the debate to own a gun is just ridiculous. As Americans we have the right to bear arms and as humans the right to protect ourselves. Im sure that the man who shot my husband did not have a gun permit. Criminals will always have guns. The rest of us legally obtain our gun permits.

If you dont want to carry please dont. Then, shut the f–k up about it. Make your own decisions.

Kalashnikov USA

Is about to start selling AKs

At Shooting Illustrated

Tam reviews the Walther CCP 9 mm

But San Fran has all that gun control

News crew robbed at gun point and the cameraman was pistol-whipped.

That would explain it

How the internet is ruining your memory.

Gun Porn


BSW Prototype Gas-Operated Pistol

Charter Arms 9mm Pitbull

July 04, 2015

Happy Independence Day

Which, here in The City (My The City), we celebrate by traveling across county lines to buy fireworks that we can’t purchase in our own county. Then we illegally set them off until the police come by and tell us the neighbors are complaining. It’s an annual tradition now for 6 years.

Now matter how cynical you get, you can’t keep up.

Be safe out there and have fun.

July 02, 2015

What could possibly go wrong?

A new DHS office to “counter violent extremism”. Via Glenn, who thinks this is weaponizing the feds against political opponents.


Ex-CNNer Lynne Russell’s husband kills robber in wild motel shootout

But it’s a gun free zone

Active shooter at Washington Navy Yard

Update: No shooter after all.

Train Derailment

Wake up to texts from family asking if I was OK. Turns out, a train derailed about 2.5 miles from the house with some nasty chemical spill. Details here. Local yokels, be careful out there.

July 01, 2015

Never thought I’d say it . . .

I view AR-15s the same way I view Glocks and M&Ps. They’re just guns. They’re not pretty and don’t require babying. But I went to a new (to me) gun shop in The City (My The City) called Bill’s Outpost and they had some ARs with wooden furniture. They were gorgeous. You can see a color photo here.

Well, of course, they have to lie to appear remotely effectual

Bloomberg’s anti-gun group tries to take credit for gun industry lead fixes to the NICS.

I haven’t hated on TSA in a while

Not only will the TSA open your bags and take pictures of the contents to post on twitter, the feds will later steal your money because you must have been up to something.

Chris Christie on guns

Given that he recently announced his aim of running for president, he needs some pro gun bona fides:

Acting on his commitment to ensure a fair application of the states gun laws that respects individual rights to possess firearms and that also protects public safety, Governor Christie today took action to make commonsense changes to New Jerseys gun regulations that ensure victims of domestic violence or violent crime, or those living under a direct or material threat, have their firearms applications processed quickly and without delay.

Has he pulled a Mitt Romney yet and went out and bought a NRA life membership?

Oddly, his announcement seems to have disappeared.

Follow the rules

Or you’ll shoot yourself. Or shoot yourself in the junk.

Colossally dumb idea

Make a phone in your pocket look like a gun!

Throw the book at him

Democrat Leland Yee plead guilty. He was the anti-gun politician who offered to broker the sale of machine guns and rockets.

Gun Porn



Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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