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Windows 10

Probably the easiest windows install I’ve ever done. The interface is zippy and functional. The new Edge browser does not suck. It’s very fast and smooth. However, it doesn’t have an “open all bookmarks” function, which effectively makes it useless for blogging or working.

20 Responses to “Windows 10”

  1. Tim Says:

    I just installed it yesterday, I don’t care for the “Edge” at all! EI 10 is till there but is buried down deep and inside and has lost a number of its operations and functions.

  2. SPQR Says:

    What have you done to Unc?

  3. CarlS Says:

    Open all bookmarks? As in “click the 3 lines at the upper right (no, not the 3 dots). Then, click Favorites.

    Or did I miss something?

  4. Pete Says:

    Every time now when I wake the computer, the wifi refuses to connect automatically. I have to disconnect and reconnect to get through. Very annoying.

  5. uscitizen Says:

    My Win 10 Upgrade worked seamlessly as well.

  6. Jailer Says:

    I’m a fan too but Edge is completely broken for me. No worries since I use Firefox anyway. Just make sure you research all the ways that MS is sharing your data with this install. There are a few opt outs but I’m sure it’s not completely transparent.

  7. Jailer Says:

    And another good read:

  8. Ellen Says:

    I’ll wait a month or two. Let the urgent fixes get out first. Nor shall I get rid of Windows 7 — I’ll just clone it and upgrade the clone. I do not trust Microsoft to get the early versions right. (I tried Windows 2.0.)

  9. comatus Says:

    Counting to 10 in BaseGates:
    1, 2, 3, 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10.

    There. I said it.

  10. The Neon Madman Says:

    Forgot ME

  11. Jailer Says:

    [quote=The Neo Madman]Forgot ME[/quote]

    So did everyone else.

  12. Mark Matis Says:

    Dontcha wonder why the Great and Powerful Bill is “giving away” Windows 10? My bet is that after enough people irreversibly migrate over, they will change it to subscription. Their OS releases have not been bringing in the desired income since Windows 7 (and do remember the Vista disaster immediately before that), and getting people locked into a “pay us or lose it” sure would change that “tradition”…

    But then Microsoft has never done anything nefarious with their buggy bloatware. Or is it bloaty bugware???

  13. Muzzle Blast Says:

    Mark Matis sez:

    “Dontcha wonder why the Great and Powerful Bill is “giving away” Windows 10?”

    No, I merely assume that M$ revenue now flows from various .gov TLAs instead of consumers.

    Remember, anytime a digital anything is “free” … YOU are the product.

  14. unix? because it sucks less. Says:

    @[quote=The Neo Madman]Forgot ME[/quote]
    @So did everyone else.

    also forgot 3.11

    n.b. windows 10 defaults to uploading all your data to microsoft servers. how googly of them.

  15. FiftycalTX Says:

    OK, I have WIN 8 cuz I have a laptop. I just surf, write letters and email and keep my finances (quicken) on the laptop. Is there any advantage to my going to win 10? Win 8 is buggy enough.

  16. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I still have a couple of boxen on 7, heck I have one waiting to be resurrected that’s still on 98se. Otherwise I’m mostly back to Linux. I’ll keep 7 alive past end of support until it gets wonky.

    M’lady and smaller child are on laptops with 8.x, and I’m not going to encourage or help them with 10 until we find out how it goes. Larger child has plunged head first into it, so we should get a good view. His install was not proceeding quickly; we’ll see how smooth it is.

    I’ve become cynical to the point I just presume a lot of the bugginess and security holes are installed intentionally to give them an excuse to get their sticky little hands on your data and EULA, then drive you to the next version.

  17. Jody Says:

    I run 7 for work software. I run xp for machinery control software (im cosidering going to linux for this). Everything else is linux/android OS. Oh what a tangled web…

  18. Borepatch Says:

    Make sure you turn off as much of Microsoft’s spying as you can:

    It’s not clear whether you can turn it all off, though.

  19. Pop N Fresh Says:

    you can turn off the spying but they will regularly turn it back on, it was written on their terms that they will regularly turn the spyware from off to minimal

    I think they’re changing with the times and your information is the compensation they want, you are their product

  20. NotClauswitz Says:

    If I “opened all bookmarks” – all thousand and something, my computer would seize-up.
    Bill has to give it up “free” because it’s really a race to the Bottom. And the Bottom is still a long way down there. I have a friend who owns/runs a company that builds test-equipment software and HAVE to give it away. It’s what they do afterwards that makes money.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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