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And then, there were 10

The Republicans who will be attending tomorrow’s GOP debate. Huckabee? Gah. But, hey, Rand made it.

6 Responses to “And then, there were 10”

  1. Adam Lawson Says:

    One I’d vote for, maybe two I’d hold my nose and vote for depending on the general campaign and developments, and seven losers (starting with Jeb…).

  2. the pawnbroker Says:

    Number your druthers from one to ten and I’ll lay you ten to one that the nominee comes from your bottom three. Takers?

  3. Huck Says:

    The one to win the nomination will be the one with the most funding. As for who’s the best… There’s no such thing as a “best” politician, no matter what party they claim to be in. They’re all opportunists and liars.

  4. the pawnbroker Says:

    Expand “funding” as defined not by mere money but by “power” as in the wingtip faction of the pubs and the pr section of the dims (media, celebs, academia) and you’re right on. As to opportunists and liars, apply that to the above power brokers as well.

  5. JimB Says:

    I would have really liked to see Carly Fiorina on that stage. The only one who can go head to head with Hilary without being accused of being sexist. I like Perry too.

  6. Richard Says:

    Huckabee is at least good on guns. The same cannot be said for Christee. So he is only the second worst.

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