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In Panama

Panama moves to let citizens have guns: Public Safety Minister notes more guns “have allowed the US to reduce homicide”

5 Responses to “In Panama”

  1. Huck Says:

    ‘Public Safety Minister notes more guns “have allowed the US to reduce homicide”

    It’s pretty sad when a official in a foreign country recognizes that fact more readily than many of our own officials do.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Well, they know it, but they won’t say and neither will the media. It’s a strong fact against their agenda of taking from others what they keep for themselves.

  3. Robert Says:

    Somewhere, a liberal just shit a brick

  4. Matthew Carberry Says:

    Of course #gunsense and Everytown/Shannon Watts et al will just say Panama doesn’t count as a “civilized” or “developed” country (being full of brown people) so even if this works it is meaningless.

    If it isn’t a handful of cherry-picked northern European countries or Japan no nation does.

  5. Andrew Says:

    Wow, I think I just found the place I am moving to shortly before this one goes kablooey!

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