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Putting down the man gun

Pat Rogers on switching to 9mm.

Obligatory your caliber sucks, your gun sucks and you’re holding it wrong.

6 Responses to “Putting down the man gun”

  1. JTC Says:

    While I’ve always loved a 1911, as much for aesthetic and historical reasons as practical and mechanical ones, I developed a pretty effective one-liner to counter the big-bore fanatics:

    “Bigger ain’t always better, but more beats less every time.”

    Another standard goes to Pat’s comments on ergonomics:

    “If it don’t feel good, you won’t do good.”

  2. tincankilla Says:

    I wonder why he didn’t switch to a 1911 in 9mm? Capacity aside, if the 1911 platform fits you, is there any other that really rivals it?

  3. Alien Says:

    I understand Mr. Rogers’ reasoning and largely concur; to tincankilla’s point, however, it would seem there’s an unfilled need for double-stack 1911s, assuming one possesses the hand size necessary to make it a viable solution.

  4. mrevilwrench Says:

    I EDC that double stack 1911 at 12+1 with 14 rounders to follow. The grip on mine is about 1.07 times the thickness of a shadow wider than a ginuwine 1911, and just a wee blockier. Of course I have the hands for it, and somehow it hides well on my 8, but while 8 .45s might not inspire as much confidence in some as 16 9x19s, 13 of them suits me.

  5. Alien Says:

    @ ‘Wrench – I, too, have one – an older crisp-triggered steel Paraordnance in the P14 flavor, which has done yeoman’s duty in USPSA, and from time to time, ridden on the hip. I long, however, for a 17-round 10MM with a 1911 trigger. I’ve got that round count with a G20 at the moment, but a 1911 it ain’t.

  6. aerodawg Says:

    I shared his logic in picking my carry weapon when i started ccw. When im outside my home and cant retreat to my rifle, i want as much ammunition on hand as possible. As anyone whos ever seen a mini gun in action can attest, quantity has a certain quality of its own.

    That said, an m&p45 is what sleeps beside the bed at home. But then again the ar with plenty of magazines isnt far away either

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