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Only the police should have guns

Mass. Cop Fired on Own Cruiser to Cover Up Crash, Causing Lock Down in Local Town

NYPD fires 84 shots at suspect. One hit.

7 Responses to “Only the police should have guns”

  1. Gladorn Says:

    I’ve heard many a horror story about the lack of gun knowledge many police officers have in “blue states.” Restrict the training and education (or just crush the culture) of firearms and see what you get after a generation or two.

    But, I’ll be the first to admit that many LE agencies slack on firearms training. My agency was forced to go to only one qualification range a year due to budget cuts from the recession. But a neighboring agency that has a bigger tax base had a range that could double as a golf course. IE: No use in inclement weather, you would get kicked off the range if you tore up the grass, no excess shooting other than what you had to do to qualify… It’s pretty sad.

  2. Ellen Says:

    Those 84 NYPD shots actually scored 84 hits. One of them was on the person they were shooting at. The others? Who knows? The police aren’t likely to tell us.

  3. Lyle Says:

    OK, 84 shots fired, one hit. We could go on about how dumb cops are (and a few of them are in fact as dumb as a rock), or we could try to see if we can hit a moving and dodging target thats shooting at us, while under an adrenaline dump that would make some people puke and fall over.

    The static paper targets at tidy, well-measured distances at the range, where you knew you were going to do some shooting before you left home that day, in the best possible lighting conditions, with no obstacles, no developing scenario and no surprizes, are rather a different challenge.

  4. nk Says:

    Twelve-pound triggers in the NYPD. On Glocks. That’s the problem. But it begs the question. What do they qualify at, at the range?

  5. Jake Says:

    we could try to see if we can hit a moving and dodging target thats shooting at us, while under an adrenaline dump that would make some people puke and fall over.

    Strangely, plenty of cops in other departments around the country seem to manage it.

  6. JimB Says:

    I know a few cops. Some are even friends. I’ve only met one or two that had a vague notion of how to run a handgun. The NY cops especially do not get enough training. Then again I’ve never met one that went for training on his or her own dime. Then again those 12# Glock triggers are no help.

  7. DocMerlin Says:

    If the police shoot at you and miss, hitting someone else and killing them, it legally counts as you committing murder/manslaughter.

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