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Quoted for truth


We’ll see who cracks first, the guests or the hosts, but sooner or later, somebody’s getting loaded into cattlecars, because that’s how things go in Europe.

21 Responses to “Quoted for truth”

  1. Metulj Says:

    I am headed over there next week as part of a research team working with NGOs doing intake for Slovenia and Croatia. The problem children are Greece (festering shithole) and Hungary (right-wing know-nothings in power). Greece doesn’t get to put people in box cars because they can’t afford them. Hungary doesn’t get to do it because they live and die on their forint to Euro vig. Tam should stick to what she knows.

  2. Ellen Says:

    The other question, I fear, is just who will get loaded into those cattlecars — the guests or the hosts?

  3. rightisright Says:


    You must have missed the part about Germany pledging to take in 800,000 this year and 500,000 every year for the next several years. I would have thought the cattle car reference would have been enough for you.

  4. Mike V. Says:

    I would never try to speak for Tam, BUT… Given that immigrants no longer assimilate into the host culture, it would seem that at some point the host would be at risk of becoming the foreigners in their own country. Some might not take that well and the potential for violence or expulsion of the immigrants would seem attractive. The immigrants now in position to take over a country of their own could decide evicting the original hosts to be an attractive proposition.

  5. JTC Says:

    Mike V.,

    We’re still talking about Europe right?

  6. Tam Says:


    Oh, right, I forgot…

  7. Tam Says:


    Oh, right, I forgot…

    “Once all the Germans were warlike and mean
    But that couldn’t happen again
    We taught them a lesson in nineteen eighteen
    And they’ve hardly bothered us since then”

  8. J- Says:

    This whole thing has put me in a moral quandary. I never though that, as a Jew, I would ever root for the Nazis. But considering that it is Jew hating Islam vs. Jew hating Europe, if somebody has to be stuffed into the gas chambers, I’m voting that it be the Muslims, they seem like the lesser of the two evils.

  9. Ron W Says:

    Now why didn’t these refugees go south to Jordan, Saudi Arabia and other oil rich countries where aid and comfort could be rendered by their Muslim brethren?

  10. Ferret Says:

    It’s simple. Europe is adopting the U.S. model of cramming as many disparate cultures together in close proximity to each other so they’ll all be too busy blaming each other for all the nation’s ills. Meanwhile, those at the top will proceed to get away with (often literally) murder.

  11. Metulj Says:

    Who are the people, Tam, in the group of refugees? Do you know? What religion do they practice? How many of them are men, women, or children? What was their economic situation in Syria before the conflict? You will be very surprised when all that is determined. (Hint: it isn’t Islamic fundamentalist jihadists in a super secret plot to invade the Western world.) Anyhow, I just signed a letter from 100+ human rights scholars asking Obama to allow 100000 Syrian refugees to enter the US under asylum.

    He won’t do it because he’s a just a tool for neoliberals, but it can’t hurt to ask. Why? It’s the US’s fault this whole mess is happening. See the Vietnamese boat people for precedent….

  12. Crawler Says:

    Ron W:

    It’s because the ME countries you mentioned don’t have the huge welfare state and benefits as those socialist Euro ones do.

    It’s hard for me to understand Merkel’s reasoning when all she has to do is look across the border at her neighbor, France, and look at what’s happening there.

    If Merkel thinks those invading islamo-fascist freeloaders will be assimilated soon and lifting large steins of German beer with her countrymen during the Oktoberfest celebration, well, she has a rude and costly awakening coming.

  13. Crawler Says:

    Speaking of boat people…I read that the dead three year old the Turkish policeman was holding on the beach perished because his father had been working in Turkey for three years and one of his older sons needed expensive dental work, so he loaded up his family in a rinky-dinky boat and tried to make it to a Euro shore to take advantage of not paying (or paying next to zip) for the needed dental work in a Euro welfare state country.

    Of course the boat capsized killing all but the father, but none of us will ever hear it from our media.

  14. comatus Says:

    I think we all owe a modicum of respect to Metulj. With some people, you just can’t tell which side they’re on.

    The UNHCR says 3/4 are male, and 1/2 are not Syrian. But, UN, so figures probably “fudged” a little.

  15. mikee Says:

    With the Laotians and Cambodians and Vietnamese immigrants, we were pretty sure they were the guys that were on our side in the war there, and their families. And their integration into the US has been a great success, as they wanted to be free in the first place.

    With Syrian migrants, who are they rooting for and against? Are they losers of the ISIS persuasion, or Baathist Assad-supporting Syrians fleeing as the war continues?

    Are any of the Syrians people who support the values and interests of the US, and want to integrate into the US society?

    I guess we’re going to find out.

  16. Tam Says:


    Hint: it isn’t Islamic fundamentalist jihadists in a super secret plot to invade the Western world.

    Fascinating. Can you show me where I claimed it was? Or are you dressing me up as your straw conservative opponent?

  17. Ron W Says:

    Crawler, I think “Merkel’s reasoning” is like that of Obama and his predecessors including the phony conservative, George W. Bush, who said of the adherents of ” the peaceful religion” of Islam, that we, Christians, “worship the same God”. Their reasoning is incredible ignorance–at best.

  18. Ron W Says:

    mikee, I have Vietnamese, Cambodians and Indians in my small town Tennessee neighborhood. They are people who clearly want to assimilate and become Americans.

  19. JTC Says:

    “It’s the US’s fault this whole mess is happening. See the Vietnamese boat people for precedent…”

    It is really, and for the same reason; failure to commit to winning, allowing political opposition to cause abandonment of the mission and the military, converting a war against oppression and genocide and terrorism into a “humanitarian” quagmire, instead of elimination of the enemy by overwhelming force, incidentally returning to the innocent their own country so they don’t need and want to be adopted as dependents and kept as animals.

  20. Ron W Says:

    JTC, true. It’s the global interventionism of undeclared, no-win wars, against unnamed enemies, while allowing the invasion of our own country, in gross, flagrant violation of the Constitution,and the facilitation of immigration from other third world nations. And those who dissent are called “dangerous isolationists” and worse. But it’s the foreign policy, just described, of the last several administrations lead by a small elite of CFR globalists who control the political-media establishment which is insane, dangerous and treasonous.

  21. M Gallo Says:

    Tam I don’t think you need take seriously any criticism from someone with “human rights scholar” on his resume.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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