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Oh, internet

So, during some insomnia, I see this:


5 Responses to “Oh, internet”

  1. SD3 Says:

    It’s those damn ‘young republicans’ again.

  2. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    So, what does happen when you blow dope smoke in your ass? Is that anything like “butt chugging”?

  3. MAJMike Says:

    It’s called voting for the LibCong.

  4. Mark Matis Says:

    It is also called, MAJMike, voting for the Rove Republican. No difference. Just the other end of the same steaming turd. As shown once again by the fine “leadership” in Congress. And most of the GOP candidates for President.

  5. chiefjaybob Says:

    Oddly enough, that’s the same search term that brought ME here the first time.

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