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Open Letter

Dear Magpul,

I love your stuff. I really do. But I’ve noticed that the last 8 or so items I’ve ordered from you seem to be missing the sticker that usually comes with your products. This is very disappointing to my nephew who is in the process of Magpulling his room, four wheeler, dirt bike, computer, iPad, and, well, frankly anything he can put a sticker on.

Can you start including those again?

I even made a meme:




4 Responses to “Open Letter”

  1. SPQR Says:

    Hear hear

  2. mikee Says:

    Here in Texas the annual vehicle registration stickers come from the TxDoT on a printed form that has spaces for two stickers. With perfect bureaucratic non-efficiency one space has the registration sticker, and the other space has a small, bar-coded, reflective sticker reading “VOID” on it, to indicate that the space for the second sticker is not being used on this particular printed form.

    Those “VOID” stickers adorn many things in my home, from tool boxes to computer monitors.

    More power to your son, and I hope Magpul delivers.

  3. Patrick Says:

    I got a small pile of SAF “No Gun Control” stickers and we slap them on toys that go to Purple Heart/Goodwill.

    Caught one in the wild last week – a “Cozy Coupe” push car walking about town. I think the sticker had been buffed to a shine, compared to the dust everywhere else.

    Now I need to get a pile of MagPul stickers.

  4. Sigivald Says:

    If you literally actually write to them (email or snail), they’ll probably send you a small sheaf.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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