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Concealment strategies

For your stash of zombie apocalypse gear.

2 Responses to “Concealment strategies”

  1. mikee Says:

    In Larry Niven’s post-apocalyptic Lucifer’s Hammer, the protagonist becomes somewhat famous for his story listing the great pile of stuff, quickly bought in preparation for the coming meteorite strike, stolen from his home by the first biker gang to come along looting the suburbs.

    His wife, god bless her blonde hair, bought a storage freezer and filled it full of frozen food. And was killed by the bikers.

  2. HL Says:

    Mikee, that is why I am leery of even bothering with a “survival” garden. Unless you have walls and a moat, how do you protect your garden when the SHTF? I mean, I can shoot people who try to loot my garden but they can likely do the same to me when I am out tending it.

    It would probably be better to strive to become the leader of such a biker gang, than try to figure out how to fend them off.

    If the situation gets bad enough, I’m going to try and eek out a couple of weeks in the hidey-hole, then try to head up some sort of death cult. My minions will NOT be allowed to wear conciliatory facial garb.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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