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Everything is sexist

So, Trump is under fire for using “code words” to be a sexist. One of those code words is “shrill”. Gosh, I dunno why anyone would say Hillary sounded shrill:

And the code word accusation came from Fox, IIRC (can’t find it now, too lazy to google). Isn’t the code word or dog whistle accusation usually a democrat thing?

13 Responses to “Everything is sexist”

  1. Paul B Says:

    Fox is in the tank. Whatever they had they have lost and are as bad as the rest of the MSM.

  2. JTC Says:

    The thing I read said DT was sexist because he had called Carly “shrill”, and defended it by calling Rand “shrill” too.

  3. JTC Says:

    Whoops, the shrill thing was about Hillz…and Paul.

    The thing with Carly was about her face…and Paul’s.

    I don’t think he likes RP.

  4. SayUncle Says:

    First debate, Paul attacked him off the bat. Carly did in second. Apparently shrill means attacking trump.

  5. JTC Says:

    Right, nothing sexist about that.

    But he does have a point about the ugly.

  6. Ish Says:

    Cue the theme song:

  7. mikee Says:

    Why does anyone care about Trump? He isn’t going to be the Republican nominee – and he hasn’t attacked Hillary where she is vulnerable yet, in her corruption and lying and covering up bad behavior all her life.

    Hillary is going to win because she does not give a damn about accusations, valid accusations, that she is corrupt, that she lies, that she covers up bad behavior for herself and others. And Republicans seem unable to correctly describe her publicly as the psychopathic megalomaniac she is.

    Trump is worried about accusations of sexism? Hillary defamed the women her husband seduced. Yet Hillary claims to be a feminist candidate. Her hypocrisy and stink of corruption should gag a horse, but all anyone says is that she is “shrill”? Why not complain she has fat ankles and concede the election?

  8. nk Says:

    Oh, come on! A word getting people’s panties in a knot? People should man up and be more broadminded, and not get all hysterical. There are more important things to rag about.

  9. AndyN Says:

    I’m not here to defend FNC, but I think the accusation came up on Scarborough’s show on MSNBC.

  10. Lyle Says:

    I believe it was Karl Marx who made the recommendation, “Accuse others of what you do”. If a Progressive is making an accusation, the first and proper assumption is that he’s doing it already.

  11. guy Says:

    “Isn’t the code word or dog whistle accusation usually a democrat thing?”

    Why would ‘Fox’ and ‘Democrat’ be mutually exclusive?

  12. SD3 Says:

    What’s wrong with sexy?

  13. Ron W Says:

    I’ve always discriminated between girls and boys, yea verily, between women and men. As it is said, “it’s the right thing to do”.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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