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Good for Fiorina

She slams Trump for his crony capitalism from eminent domain abuse.

7 Responses to “Good for Fiorina”

  1. ExpatNJ Says:

    Trump harassed an elderly woman in Atlantic City NJ to try to get her to sell her home; when she wouldn’t, he just build a high-rise casino literally around her house on all 3 sides.

    He offered homeowners in Scotland pennies on the dollar to steal their property, just so he could build a golf course with an ocean view (check out the documentary, “Trumped”).

    How does it help us if he’s (allegedly) pro-2A, but against our property Rights?

    I used to think Trump might make a good POTUS until I heard about this. Now, he isn’t qualified to lick my shower curtain.

  2. Sebastian Says:

    I’m really surprised by how many people who supposedly care about liberty and limited government are drinking the Trump kool-aid.

  3. AaronW Says:

    As CEO she cut tens of thousands of jobs from HP. Was that a hell of a lot better than Trump’s eminent domain antics?

  4. SayUncle Says:

    Yes. HP survived and grew. Unlike trumps companies.

  5. JTC Says:

    Shrill, ugly, jealous and inept. Utter failure as CEO in the business world and no chance at CEO of the political one. Good.

    As I said in my TL;DR comment in your prior piece on eminent domain, regardless of your attitude on it or its actual fairness, efficacy, or even constitutionality, Trump used the laws and rules as they are to do what business does; profit. Pretty much what is needed as POTUS on a global level, and I think he would exploit all available tools to “profit” the US…regardless of “fairness” to world adversaries.

    More importantly, as I’ve said, I don’t think DT really wants to *be* president (too much work, too much constraint) as much as he just wants to *win* president. If he does, and puts Cruz in as vice, Ted would be the bulldog in the background for four years, and with Trump taking his leave in ’20, Cruz will have built the programs and coalition necessary to overcome his lack of Reaganesque charisma and be elected, with the possibility of eight years of real conservatism leading to sixteen, and maybe, just maybe, the rebirth of the Republic.

  6. rd Says:

    Donald Trump wants to win in everything he does. He uses all the tools he has available. If he did not use Eminent Domain, he would be failing his fiduciary duty to his investors. I do not like Eminent Domain for private purposes, but the US Supreme Court in Kelo said it is Constitutional. Blame the five idiots on the Supreme Court, not Trump.

  7. Jake Says:

    regardless of your attitude on it or its actual fairness, efficacy, or even constitutionality, Trump used the laws and rules as they are to do what business does; profit

    If he did not use Eminent Domain, he would be failing his fiduciary duty to his investors.

    I have no problem with that much. He did his job, and using Kelo style eminent domain was a necessary part of that.

    What I do have a problem with are his statements that he supports the Kelo decision. He seems to think government being able to force people to sell to a private commercial interest against their will is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

    Eminent domain for true public use is barely tolerable. The fact that Trump supports it for private commercial development speaks volumes about his true attitude towards individual Rights, and should be a warning to us all.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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