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Amish suing to buy gun without ID

Having an ID violates his religious principles. Need an ID to peaceably assemble, vote, get a job, and more. This could be interesting.

6 Responses to “Amish suing to buy gun without ID”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    Hey, if Muslims don’t have to drive a truck when there’s beer it it…

  2. bubbaearle Says:

    What is the difference between this guy with no photo ID and a Muslim woman wrapped up in a burqua sitting for her photo ID?

    I bet she’d be able to buy a firearm!!!

    WTF is this world coming to??

  3. Robert Says:

    Actually since the lib-tards say that having a voter ID law violates civil rights, I reckon it should apply here as well.

    Of course this argument includes at least a bit of logic which is foreign to most left-leaning folks, so it might not work well.

  4. mikee Says:

    France went through this, and decided that faces must be shown both to get a picture ID and when asked by officials for identification purposes. Religion be damned.

    Florida, IIRC, decided faces had to be shown for Drivers’ Licenses.

    Here in Texas Consular Matricular cards are the preferred form of fake ID, although really fake SS cards and from them all other IDs are readily available for a low price, from the friends of coyotes.

  5. nk Says:

    Somebody on the internets pointed out that if this is entirely because of an ATF rule, Hetzler will win based on the RFRA.

  6. Critter Says:

    Hast thee thine Beretta?

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