Speaking of clickbait: I’m looking at you gunsamerica
The question mark! To give it some sort of hint of, err, something. And this:
The first thing I noticed was the model with the FIST feature. FIST stands for Firearm Integrated STandoff. This frame protrusion functions as a stand off. Theoretically, you can shoot at actual contact distances without running the risk of pushing the slide out of battery when you jam it into a bad guy.
And the image:
Why? I guess I’m not operator enough. The Honor Guard may be a very fine gun. I have no idea. But this line of advertising and whatever that FIST things is supposed to appeal to leave me scratching my head.
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:58 pm
The rule is, if a headline with a yes or no question ends with a question mark, the ‘answer’ is always ‘No.’
If it was yes there would be no question mark.
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:16 pm
As I gathered from the text, that’s a mod they did after putting the compacter slide on the less-compacter frame.
Not bad from an attention-getting marketing perspective I guess, though risks turning off “serious gun types” like us. 😉
November 3rd, 2015 at 8:35 pm
I guess one could scratch one’s arse without getting dingleberries in the muzzle. Rule 3 applies of course.
November 3rd, 2015 at 9:23 pm
It looks like a good way to catch the holster during the draw.
November 3rd, 2015 at 10:02 pm
Oh FFS, would you throw a sword at a bad guy? Then don’t use your ranged weapon like a melee weapon. In desperate straights, you might not have the ability to use your weapon in the way it was intended, but then you might need to think of tactics that don’t include your gun until you can get to proper range.
Or to quote Tam, “If you’re being attacked by someone within arm’s reach, you don’t have a gun, y’all have a gun. It’s probably best if it stays in the holster until you’ve bought enough space to make it just your gun again.”
November 3rd, 2015 at 10:47 pm
Well, it’s not as bonkers as the pistol bayonet that CZ offered a few years ago,,,
November 4th, 2015 at 12:30 am
Nowhere near as derpy as the knife magazine pad.
And, if you happen to be grappling with, say, a 400 pound “gentle giant” and the best option for winning is to draw and shoot, and your semi-auto may be knocked out of battery, you can, in fact, get off a shot by holding the slide shut.
if the pistol is hammerless, a thumb on the back of the slide should do it, otherwise you can wrap your hand around the slide.
November 4th, 2015 at 1:16 am
Standoff capability is a plus for a gun. Some have it, most don’t.
If your dust cover doesn’t go all the way to the muzzle, you probably don’t have it, unless you have a light or laser attached to the rail that sticks out past the muzzle.
This design is over the top though. I get that the dust cover should probably protrude slightly past the muzzle/slide, but that thing could double as an entrenching tool, or the spoon in your mess kit.
November 4th, 2015 at 4:36 am
If you put your thumb on the back of the slide and fire it, you probably wont get a second shot. It won’t cycle completely, and you may have problems trying to hold the gun to cycle the slide. You may have to switch hands to shoot, since your primary hand won’t be working well, although it should be ok for a clamp grip on the slide for cycling.
I wonder how well a FLGR would work at keeping it from being pushed out of battery?
Hmm, a quick check with my G27 shows it might go bang one out of three tries. Main problem is the muzzle protrudes beyond the end of the rod, so any angle to the object it touches has a bearing on how far the barrel gets pushed back.
November 4th, 2015 at 10:13 am
Looks very tacticool, but if I must carry a 9mm, I’ll stay with my Glock 19. Really prefer my H&K Compact .45 though.
November 4th, 2015 at 11:32 am
The standoff feature reminds me of the breaching shotguns used by our military, which have a standoff muzzle, too. The idea on the shotgun is that the standoff is pressed against a door hinge and the gun is fired, removing the door hinge better somehow than just a plain shotgun muzzle.
I, for one, wlecome the addition of this 9mm to the list of potential hinge-smashing, door-breaching weapons. But I’m gonna let someone else do the video of that.
November 4th, 2015 at 1:31 pm
I didn’t think FISTing was this popular among gun enthusiasts .
November 4th, 2015 at 4:29 pm
Reason #9 I carry a Revolver.
November 5th, 2015 at 2:10 pm
Many years ago, Massad Ayoob wrote an article about muzzle-contact shooting. In addition to the pushing-out-of-battery problem, there is this:
If you get the first shot off at muzzle-contact range, you will get blowback of blood, meat, and other yuck. It can actually jam the gun.
The article featured a private security officer in Indianapolis who shot someone muzzle-contact with a S&W Model 15. (I think it was a 4-inch; could have been a 2-inch.) The aforementioned blowback goosh jammed the cylinder so the gun couldn’t be fired again.
I’d hate to try it with an auto.