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They do seem more brazen in embracing the socialism

Hillary Clinton goes all in for gun control.

Marty O’Malley promises executive action on gun control.

5 Responses to “They do seem more brazen in embracing the socialism”

  1. rickn8or Says:

    “O’Malley would also ban the manufacture and sale of so-called “cop-killer” ammunition, which is coated and more effectively penetrates hard surfaces.”

    Oh, no! Not Cop-Killr®” bullets again!

    And please please oh PLEEZE Hillary! Keep talking gun control! (BTW, where did you leave your “duck rifle”?

  2. Ron W Says:

    Why, when will they be asked if their gun control laws should be applied to them according to ” the equal protection of the laws”??

    What, I ask of them, justifies that they take from others what they keep for themselves and do it with gun violence? Isn’t that what criminals do?

  3. Maxpwr Says:

    Get your imported firearms now because what few imported semi-autos we can still get are going to be banned by President Hillary.

  4. Ron W Says:

    I thought Obama had already dropped the import of Russian AK (Saiga) rifles. They’re restricting “affordable” type rifles which makes it harder for the common people to exercise their right to AFFORDABLE self defense.

  5. Ron W Says:

    Here lately, Dr Ben Carson invoked the supposedly taboo Nazi gun control history, yet a just released Quiinipiac poll has him beating Clinton 50-40 in a head-to-head general election matchup. That’s at least a good sign for gun rights–for now.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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