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The party of smaller government

Haslam pushing for increasing the Tennessee gas tax. Corker has been pushing one at the federal level too.

And TN will have another registry, this time of animal abusers.

2 Responses to “The party of smaller government”

  1. HL Says:

    A large segment of the population (mostly libs) think animal abuse should carry a harsher level of punishment than murder. Check out Michael Vick and compare his detractors to Mumia Abu-Jamal’s.

    Now, emotionally, I prefer animals to people. But using logic, I can override my emotions and place a higher value on human life.

    Having said all that, I’d do my best to defend an animal from an abuser. But lists like this ultimately lead to other lists which lead to a bullet in the head.

  2. Ron W Says:

    Many Republicans don’t respect and in fact, disdain, “the guarantee of a republican form of government” as prescribed by an objective reading of and obedience to the Constitution. Perhaps they call themselves “conservatives”, but it begs the question as to just what is it they want to conserve.

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