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It’s OK, it’s the good kind of racism

Healing space. For coloreds only. Colored white, that is.

No sense of irony.

8 Responses to “It’s OK, it’s the good kind of racism”

  1. Lyle Says:

    This is what we get for tolerating the “student youth movement” of the 1960s. All that’s changed since is that they’re now in charge, they’re entrenched they’re feeling powerful, and they’re amping up the crazy. This won’t end well.

  2. topofthechain Says:

    When does the university issue the bid request for segregated bathrooms and drinking fountains? I’m going to game the system and hire a minority transgendered woman to front my general contractor business to help me win the bid.

  3. mikee Says:

    What happens when someone with a spine tells these racial extortionists to pound sand or hits them with lawsuits over infringement of the rights of others? People learned from Tom Wolfe, and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, how Mau-Mauing the Flack Catchers can be used to avoid payouts to the outraged, and how to let the outrage be expressed with little to no cost in authority or money.

    I predict the protesters will wilt like the precious flowers they are whenever opposed, but will take the money and authority and imbed themselves like ticks in any university administration that does not stand up to them.

  4. HL Says:

    Given the collegiate mess, Ronnie’s words ring true.

  5. HL Says:

    Doh! Sorry, was just trying to leave a link. 1:19 is the money shot.

  6. nk Says:

    Have you guys looked close at these schlemiels? They’re the nebbishes that get pantsed in high school. The only ones afraid of them are the older versions of themselves in academia.

  7. SPM Says:

    White is a accumulation of all colors where as black is the absence of color. I thought they was part of “higher learning”. Just saying..

  8. Ritchie Says:

    Kudos on the “Sanford and Son” ref.

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