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Magpul to start making belts

And, in a tribute to their recent move, it’s called the Tejas.


9 Responses to “Magpul to start making belts”

  1. guy Says:

    Sorry, if it’s leather I’ll kill it.

    Sorta like the deck plating on the Nostromo.

  2. Jailer Says:

    Heh, a belt with dutz fasteners. I must have it. 😀

  3. Ben Warren Says:

    I was hoping for an ammunition belt. An $84 leather belt is a bit of a letdown.

  4. Jay G. Says:

    With this move, they’re certainly getting Boulder.


  5. DocMerlim Says:

    I am really disappointed that it isn’t canvas and injection moulded plastic 🙁

  6. Tx Teacher Says:

    It’s… a belt.


  7. Wyowanderer Says:

    I’ll stay with my non bling, plain, Filson double belt, thanks.

  8. Mek Says:

    Looks a lot like the 5.11 belt I have been wearing for the better part of a decade now.

  9. MajMike Says:

    Vastly over-priced.

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