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First, a freak out over a Jeep rack someone thought was a “large assault rifle”, now Minnesota Rep. Kim Norton, on twitter, confuses rear windshield wiper with a rifle.

These people get elected, folks.

11 Responses to “Ignorance”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Derrr. You can’t go more than a day without seeing a real rifle in someone’s window rack. During hunting seasons it’s everywhere you turn, so…

    So this is a standard cultural manipulation tactic; freakout at regular, everyday occurences until other people catch on and start freaking out themselves. I call it “Control by Freakout” and it works.

  2. Lyle Says:

    It’s common enough we should shorten it to “CBF”. You’ve just witnessed a CBF event.

    All the recent talk of “micro aggressions” and the need for “safe zones” and such nonsense falls into the CBF category, along with just about anything Democrats consider to be issues. Climate, “over population”, the evils of “capitalism” (though not one of them knows what it means), the regular food obsessions they keep manufacturing, and pretty much everything. The goal is to get as many people freaked out to the point of being worthless, quivering, frightened, angry, diseased and dysfunctional blobs of jelly so they’ll forget all about the need to preserve liberty. They’ll keep doing it as long as it works.

    Distilling it down to its essence; it’s an attack on strength. Strength leads to confidence. The strong, confident person sees only very limited use for government, and that just won’t do. The strong and confident are therefore the enemies of the state, because they can see that coercive redistribution not only fails to solve problems, usually it IS the problem. CBF ‘em!

  3. Duane Says:

    Worse, they get re-elected.

  4. Huck Says:

    “These people get elected, folks.”

    The real idiots are the ones who vote for idiots like Norton.

  5. comatus Says:

    Obligatory “comments are a hoot,” and then, there has to be a Subaru joke in here somewhere. High-powered long guns…are what makes a Subaru a Subaru?

    If somebody actually did replace a rear-window wiper with a rifle, well, I’d hope Unc would link to the review. It would end tailgating, for sure.

  6. tkdkerry Says:

    Windshield wiper link leads to a “no page”.

    Anybody got a screenshot?

  7. Jailer Says:

    Hmmm, fabricated hysteria to advance an agenda. Is anyone really surprised by this? It’s a play right from the leftists handbook.

    This time though she obviously realized how miscalculated and ridiculous her move was and deleted the post.

  8. KM Says:

    @Lyle – The strong, confident person sees only very limited use for government, and that just won’t do.

    Well said.

  9. lyford Says:

    It was a jack, not a rack.

  10. Mark Matis Says:

    Duane and Huck:
    The people who elect this swill are hive-dwellers. And it don’t REALLY matter if their hive is Blue or Red. The Blue hives are Democrat. And the Red hives are Rove Republican. Same steaming turd. Just different cronies slopping at the government trough. Hive-dwellers live there because they LUVS them some big government. And they are not about to tolerate Constitutional government at all.

  11. mikee Says:

    Our City Council had for one-term a wonderful woman on it who was all-in on gun control, Mayor Bloomberg’s group, banning assault weapons, denying concealed carry, and so on.

    I wrote her office a serious letter, inviting her or anyone on her staff to go shooting at the indoor gun range in our fair city, at my expense, with gun safety training by professional instructors, to remove through experience some of the erroneous ideas she had about firearms.

    No response at all.

    Some folks just don’t know how to have any fun.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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