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The generation where everybody gets a trophy

Firefighter who flunked physical requirement for job but got the job anyway:

Probationary firefighter Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder injured herself Monday while conducting a routine check of equipment at Queens Engine 308 in South Richmond Hill. Getting off the truck, Doirin-Holder missed a step and landed on her left foot, suffering a fracture, sources said.

It was her second shift after a transfer from Engine 301. In training for a hazmat assignment, officers found her struggling to perform the required tasks.

Firefighters called the tripping incident embarrassing and alarming.

If youre going to get hurt in the firehouse checking a rig, what would happen at a fire? an insider asked.

7 Responses to “The generation where everybody gets a trophy”

  1. Stretch Says:

    She got what she wanted: medical pension for the rest of her life.

  2. nk Says:

    “Doirin-Holder, who turns 40 this month, is one of 282 “priority hires” passed over in 1999 and 2000. Federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis ordered they must get preference as victims of past discrimination against minorities.”


  3. Lyle Says:

    I’m all for it. Dumb down all the public service employees to the point where we have no use for them. Turn all the cops into criminals, all the firefighters into fumbling pyromaniacs, all the military into powder puffs and enemy sympathizers, weaponize the tax authorities and make sure all the politicians are weak-kneed, greedy America haters.

    We’re almost totally there. At some point we’ll realize that if we want something done we’ll have to figure out how to do it amongst ourselves.

  4. Huck Says:

    In the FD I served in that PoS would’ve been “encouraged” to resign. And would have eagerly done so by the time we got done.

    Why? Because EVERYONE at a emergency scene has to have their act together! Because one slackard both makes everyone else’s tasks harder and endangers both the first responders and any victims at the incident scene.

    We, the Firefighters, were ruthless to people like that moron in the article. Our health, our LIVES, and the lives of the people who depend on us to help them when they badly need help, depend on weeding out incompetents.

  5. Jake Says:

    a) She never should have been hired until and unless she was able to pass the physical test. Period. I’ve also seen reports that she was “struggling” with other training, and I think she was transferred at least once because of it. The idiot judge put lives in danger by forcing FDNY to take her on.

    b) In (grudging) fairness, that particular injury could happen to anyone, even a skilled and highly qualified veteran – all it takes is a single moment of inattention and a bad landing. It has nothing to do with her ability, or lack thereof, to do the job, and is only news because of her history.

  6. Nylarthotep Says:

    PC hiring coming to a military near you.

  7. Jim Says:

    I can’t wait to see a handicapped accessible fire engine.

    They will be forced to watch it burn when their off road wheel chair can’t handle the front steps but the public will know that EQUALITY happened.

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