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The stupid burns

More big boy training. Though, it’s not just AK guys. I’ve seen quite a bit of that from others too.

9 Responses to “The stupid burns”

  1. SPM Says:

    WTH? This is how people end up saying hindsight is 20/20.

  2. Mike V. Says:

    The Derp Is Strong On That One!!!

  3. SPM Says:

    Mike, now there is iced tea allover My keyboard.

  4. tkdkerry Says:

    I seem to rmember some douchebag doing this several years ago. Is he still at it, or is this just going around again?

  5. jim Says:

    I like the instructor that walks down range during live fire. Nuts but it shows confidence in the course.

  6. Alien Says:

    I do not understand why the video does not show students getting into their cars and driving off to a safer range.

    Perhaps this is evidence of Derp being contagious?

  7. MAJMike Says:

    Drill Sergeant Robinson would’ve kicked my trainee butt off of the live fire range if I’d have done crap like that. I’m thankful for the wisdom imparted to me by the drill sergeants of Infantry OSUT at Ft. Polk, LA so many years ago.

  8. Deaf Smith Says:

    In WW2 it was found that if you used fox holes and had both friendly and enemy machineguns and rifles fire overheard recruits could hear the shots and know which kind of gun was firing at them. Of course, being real guns with real ammo if you stuck your head up above the fox hole rim you risked being shot dead.

    The wise recruit didn’t stick their heads up!

    Does that mean shooting rounds into the ground within six feet of students in a civilian class that are not going to war a wise idea? No.

    But some people want realism and will risk their life to experience as close to combat as they can without, you know, getting into combat.

    As long as they sign a release of liability, heck go ahead. I ain’t going to such classes but it’s your arse Kemosabe.

  9. NotClauswitz Says:

    Would you take a “class” from some bearded, AK-hoisting, foreign-accented dude? Now that we know for absolute sure, from the evidence in San Bernardino, that Jihadis go train at the range, why would you NOT shoot back at someone who was shooting at you?
    I do not understand why the video does not show students getting into their cars and driving off to a safer range shooting back, up-range.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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