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Gun Porn

That’ll get you on a list? I thought it was 3 at once.

Indescribable Bolt-Action Assault Shotgun Thing

3 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Dave Says:

    Well I thought it was purchasing more than one handgun from the same dealer in the space of a week. I know there is an extra form FFL’s have to deal with.

  2. JTC Says:

    Funny. Of course a private transaction doesn’t count, yet.

    But what ain’t no joke is the multi purchase report that an FFL has to do when more than one handgun OR SEMI-AUTO RIFLE OTHER THAN .22 W/REMOVEABLE MAG is purchased within five consecutive business days. Unlike the 4473 which stays with the dealer until he goes out of business, the multi-purchase report is immediately mailed by the dealer directly to ATF with full info on purchaser and firearms.

    Think there is no “registration”? Wrong. Space out your buys.

  3. Dave Says:

    Well I’ve never bought more than one at a time, so my experience with that is limited to what I read about it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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