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Is it a day ending in Y

This again. Completely lifting content is weaksauce.

6 Responses to “Is it a day ending in Y”

  1. J T Bolt Says:

    How hard it is to at least MENTION the credits? Hell, I posted that wonderful video but also credited the folks.

  2. SPQR Says:

    Thieves gotta thief.

  3. Shrimp Says:

    Interestingly enough, the offending post appears to be gone. Dan Zimmerman, intellectual property thief, and founder of Dead Hooker magazine must have gotten the message.

  4. Francis W. Porretto Says:

    “Completely lifting content is weaksauce.”

    It happens to just about every writer eventually. It’s happened to me twice — once with a novel — and I wasn’t able to secure a remedy in either case. Eventually, people learn to recognize your work as yours, regardless of who has expropriated it, and disdain the thieves.

  5. Gateway Says:

    Yikes… I didn’t realize until now (via this rabbit hole of links) the truth about Farago.

  6. Hartley Says:

    “Completely lifting content is weaksauce”

    You mean like Major Caudill?

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