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Heh. Old man yells at clouds. It’s more discussion of that ridiculous F&S piece on how guns are now self defense. Caleb:
what I ultimately want to pound on is the fact that what were seeing here is the result of a hugely successful expansion of the gun culture. Even in my lifetime alone, Ive seen the gun culture change tremendously, and so for someone like David, I cant even imagine how different things look now than when he was my age.
January 28th, 2016 at 7:33 pm
Nice write-up, Caleb. This quote though, dosen’t even parse;
“Everyone who makes guns is selling everything they can produce, which stifles the need for innovation and takes the emphasis off firearms that would not be useful during the Latter Days.”
I can’t figure out what he’s even trying to say there.
Also; the second amendment doesn’t say anything about hunting. That’s not a terribly relevant factoid here, but it came to mind as I read Caleb’s article. And I too got into hunting as a consequence of becoming interested in shooting. I recomend hunting to anyone interested in shooting, by the way. You’ll never be able to predict aoll the ways in which “field shooting” differes from range shooting until you hunt for some years. Then you’ll start to wonder about some things, about a lot of things, people do and don’t do in the shooting shorts and the shooting industry.
As an aside; the F&S writer clearly has not been in manufacturing. The high demand for product doesn’t stifle the “need” for innovation. It stifles the ABILITY to innovate. We’re so busy scrambling to try to fill orders, there’s no time for anything else. We have several, promising new products on hold, waiting for machine time, and it’s hard to justify taking a machine off-line to do prototyping when it’s still filling backorders. He makes it sound as if innovation were something we’d just as soon avoid, when in fact it is the very thing we’d love to do full time.
January 28th, 2016 at 8:30 pm
It’s funny. When I was about twenty, right around the time of the aptly named “Crime Bill”–which is descriptive of the legislation and the President who supported it–I bemoaned the fact that all I’d see at gun shows were hunting rifles. Of course, back then there were only like, 3, AR Makers.
These days I go to the show and bemoan the fact there are very few hunting rifles. I suspect that I am the problem.
January 29th, 2016 at 5:38 am
Find a friend or relative that does not shoot and offer to take them to a range. That is how I got started.
January 29th, 2016 at 12:19 pm
He’s forgetting that his beloved bolt actions were designed as weapons of war and used as such rather extensively.
January 29th, 2016 at 12:42 pm
The whole “guns are for hunting” nonsense was a historical paradigm, precisely because the United States *had* a robust, deep, & broad gun culture.
‘Hunting’ as a recreational activity, was an off-shoot of that vibrant gun culture, not the central reason it existed.
Today, it has simply returned to its roots (thanks be to God).
January 29th, 2016 at 1:56 pm
Funny how everyone who was rightfully angered and mocking of the TTAG ignorant hit piece against 10-8 is fist pumping the same sort of thing written by Caleb. Any cursory check of the last six months of articles would reveal Petzal is in no way the hapless “fudd ” he is portrayed to be in the ignorant hit piece.
January 29th, 2016 at 4:05 pm
Well Phil if it makes you feel any better, TTAG decided to bite of my style and copy my article about Petzal, so you can be mad at them too.