Archive for January, 2016

January 14, 2016

Rand Paul and the debate

Ditch debate, get more media

Seems to be working. He’s been on Breitbart and Beck. And even The Daily Show.

At the Washington Post

The problem with Obama’s promise not to take your guns away is that he really should take your guns away.

But nobody wants to take your guns

Well, except democrats.

You mean you can make decisions about your own body without a note from the doctor?

Tennessee to consider making birth control over the counter.

The Demographics of the NRA

But I thought they were all old white guys:

40% women
40% minority mostly Asian and Hispanic men and women.
Sure, the rest are a lot of white guys but the average age is down from 60 to 40-45.

Gun Porn

Build your own AR-15

January 13, 2016

Yeah, that’ll do it

Paul Ryan: Obama should hunt to understand Second Amendment better

Because hunting is somehow related to the second amendment?

The fix is in

Rand Paul, it appears, will not be on the main stage at the next Republican debate. And has said he’d boycott the secondary debate. Glad he’s taking a stand. The debate is limited to the 6 highest polled candidates and Paul will not be there based on that criteria. Except, of course, he out polls Kasich, Christie and, in a few of the polls, Bush. They will be at the debate.

More polling data here.

Paul says it’s the GOP calling the shots here to narrow the field. But they’re making the wrong call. He polls higher. And Paul is correct, this will cost them libertarian voters. It will also cost Fox Business viewership. If Paul isn’t there, I won’t watch.

More democrats and guns

Noted gun expert Joe Biden: the Second Amendment says you can limit who can own a gun.

Really? Where?

Bernie Sanders ups teh st00pid:

I believe that we need to make sure that certain types of guns used to kill people, exclusively, not for hunting, they should not be sold in the United States of America

Such as?

“It’s a free country”


Been saying that for a while.

In Tennessee

Bill would allow private schools to allow guns on campus. If it’s a private school, they should be allowed to do what they choose.

On the state of the union

One mention of gun control

Hillary Clinton on guns

No secret, she’s no fan of second amendment rights. So, it shouldn’t surprise that endorsements from gun control groups are pouring in. And by groups, I mean the Brady Campaign and a couple of other people.

Meanwhile, she has an ad that shows about as much passion and emotion as Spock studying OSHA regulations.

Gun Porn

I got nothing. So, do you wanna shoot a snowman:

January 12, 2016

I think we need a mental health check for holders of elected office

Because Ernie Chambers wouldn’t pass it:

Nebraskans buying night vision goggles or body armor would have to clear the same background checks as gun buyers under legislation proposed by the Legislatures most ardent gun critic.

Up next, checks for kitchen knives, gasoline and box cutters.

In NY, special court for gun crimes


New York City will establish special courts for gun possession cases and create a police unit dedicated to gun-related investigations as part of an effort to cut gun crime, officials said on Tuesday.

Project Fast Track, unveiled at a City Hall press conference, is an attempt to ensure gun cases are prosecuted quickly and efficiently at all levels of the criminal justice system.

I’m all for enforcing gun laws on the books but not NY’s because they are capricious and a violation of gun rights. But the court will likely have problems, like it did when they tried this before:

The gun courts recall a similar effort in 2003, when a court was established dedicated to gun cases in Brooklyn.

While the court had initial successes, it eventually became overloaded with a backlog of cases, partly because of a new law increasing the minimum prison sentence for gun possession, making plea deals less likely. Court officials suspended the court in 2009.

Seems discriminatory too

In OK, if you want to foster kids, you can’t have guns. So, some foster parents are suing:

Two foster parents are suing the state Department of Human Services in Oklahoma City federal court over an agency rule they claim is unconstitutional because it prohibits foster and adoptive parents from legally possessing firearms for self-defense.

The married couple, Stephen and Krista Pursley, of Moore, state in the lawsuit that they “are prohibited by the OKDHS policy … from possessing or carrying firearms in their vehicles or while their foster/adopted children are present.”

The Pursleys, along with the Second Amendment Foundation, filed the lawsuit against DHS Director Ed Lake. The Pursleys belong to the foundation.


Active shooter scenario

A news station did a little test, using airsoft, of how concealed carriers would fare in an active mass shooter scenario. Unlike other politicized events, and stupid ones but on by some bloggers, they actually had folks with training and the shooter was a trainer himself. Though the effectiveness varied, I think it’s one of the better attempts at this sort of exercise I’ve seen. You can see it here.

State of the union drinking game


Mine will consist of drinking while not watching the state of the union.

Brady Campaign to Cling to Relevancy Endorses Clinton

Alternate headline: Hillary gets irrelevant endorsement.

Shouldn’t shock anyone that Hillary is a gun banner and would get the endorsement.

Gun Porn

Cute little mouse gun

January 11, 2016

They’re just not for the little people

Anti-gun celebrities get armed guards at the #GoldenGlobes. Like you and me, only better.

He asked. We should answer.

My state senator, Doug Overbey (who is awful on gun rights) has a survey on issues. One of the questions is on gun rights. If you’re local, go fill it out.

Should be obvious, really

Rand Paul: Have Any of You Ever Worked for a Poor Person?

Keep telling yourself that

EJ Dionne: Gun fantatics refusal to bend ensures they will be toppled

The rest of the article is filled with the same sort of nonsense that has no basis in reality.

No one I know is

No, Of Course People Arent Registering Their Drones with the FAA.

It’s working out about as well as different gun registration schemes.

Gun Porn

Old school. I dig the homemade VFG.

Ultimate Concealed Carry: The KGB’s gun that you put in your pooper.

January 10, 2016

Gun control and murder

Cities ran by Democrats, of course: Washington, D.C., and Baltimore together account for nearly half of the increase in murders nationwide.

Unpossible. Those cities have all that gun control.

Tells you all you need to know

Lacking the fortitude to do it himself, some namby pamby I’ve never heard of wants Obama to send men armed with guns to take your guns from you. Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Meanwhile, a “journalist” at the Baltimore Sun is racist err more afraid of gun owners than criminals with guns. Because she’s insane:

I’m less afraid of the criminals wielding guns in Baltimore, I declared as we discussed the issue, than I am by those permitted gun owners. I know how to stay out of the line of Baltimore’s illegal gunfire; I have the luxury of being white and middle class in a largely segregated city that reserves most of its shootings for poor, black neighborhoods overtaken by “the game.”

Yes, that segregation only exists as long as someone chooses it to. And she wants a searchable database of all gun owners because, as she is a racist, she’s also a bigot.

Does this surprise anyone?

Obama Top Recipient of Smart Gun Cash

Of course, people looking at making smart guns are banned from showing their product at the Consumer Electronics Show.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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