Report from the field
I am sad to report that Tactical Tennis Ball Launcher met an untimely demise. Had my nephew over (first mistake, right?) and he witnessed it in action. Trouble was, this time it only shot about 15 feet. He set about to make it shoot further. He noticed that the seams where the Pringles cans met had separated. Easily remedied with duct tape. He then noticed that there was a a bit of space around the ball and the pringles can. And he correctly figured that was causing the gasses to escape around the ball. So, he used some old wrapping paper to make wadding (smart kid).
Then, we got to work. There was an earth shattering kaboom and we all watched in amazement as the tennis ball traveled about 150 yards. It was pretty sweet. But the force of the blast destroyed the Tactical Tennis Ball Launcher, as it separated into three pieces. Of which my nephew said “well, it’s a proof of concept”.
Man, I wish I had that on video.