When are Latinos not Latinos?
When they’re republicans, of course. And, also, probably because they don’t pander based on race.
In Iowa, 60% of the Republican caucus went to minorities. 0% of Democrat votes went to minorities.
When they’re republicans, of course. And, also, probably because they don’t pander based on race.
In Iowa, 60% of the Republican caucus went to minorities. 0% of Democrat votes went to minorities.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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February 4th, 2016 at 8:19 pm
That’s right; you only get to call yourself a member of X victim group so long as you’re pissed off and demanding more largess from government. In that case it doesn’t matter your skin color or ethnicity. You could be a lilly white Swede and be “black” or you could be a freckled red-head from Ireland and be “Native American”.
You’re also not a “woman” if you’re a female conservative.
In short; you have to be a pissed-off, loud-mouthed, America-hating communist shithead to qualify as a real human being with rights. Otherwise you’re an extremist/terrorist. And a Fascist, because we don’t know what that word means and don’t care to look it up, we just know you’re a Fascist.
February 5th, 2016 at 11:23 am
it’s pretty heartening that only one of the candidates is actually running as a hyphenated american, and it’s the white lady.
February 5th, 2016 at 11:24 am
When, fianlly, Idiocracy’s President Comacho is elected, from either party, racism will indeed be an unimportant issue compared to everything else.
February 5th, 2016 at 11:48 am
Similar to “we’re a nation of immigrants”. No, the vast majority of us were born here and therefore, native Americans. There are only three designations that should matter legally and politically, native Americans, naturalized citizens and legal residents. Others are illegally in the country and should be deported when they come to the attention of the legal system–as would be anyone false for other lawbreaking. It’s applying “the equal protection of the laws” in the 14th Amendment. But then that is selectively or discriminatorily applied.