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Trigger warning

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog visits a college campus to discuss political correctness nonsense. It’s funny. But it’s also kind of pathetic. Every time I encounter some democrat/progressive discussion, I realize that they and I do not live in the same world.

5 Responses to “Trigger warning”

  1. HL Says:

    “I identify as a shin-guard!”


  2. Fred Says:

    Funny But, take note; Social Justice is about the destruction of history, heritage, ideas and belief which are to be supplanted with the glorious revolution. Make no mistake, this is a serious fight. Although the current actors are petty, post pubescent, intellectual and emotionally infantile crybaby’s their handlers know exactly what the real goals are. Several stories here and there about taking down statues, banning flags, and changing the names of things are the early warning signs of statist control freak-ism, not scared children. This, like Gun Control is not about the object, it is about the control. It is right out the Marxist playbook, make light of it at your children’s peril. The author of deceit and those that willfully deceive, as his minions, are easily defeated. Do not stand-by in tolerance and fakery. Truth and light and love of liberty, we win!

    Evil – control is what its workers seek because through control harm can be caused while claiming to help. “Honey, I only beat you for your own good. You have to learn to respect me and do as I say. I love you, OK?” No, it’s not OK.

  3. Metulj Says:

    The opposite of political correctness is being able to call a spade a spade to his face without repercussions, AMIRITE?

  4. Dave Says:

    I cannot bring myself to watch the video. Do any of these supposedly semi-adults look at the puppeteer, who is talking to them, instead of the puppet? Are they able to separate reality from make believe?

  5. Jim Jones Says:

    Oh this was glorious. These infants need a proper fisking at every turn. If we are not careful, they are going to try to import this bullshit into the world of business. I would hope that there is no such tolerance for this nonsensical quackery when there are deadlines, sales goals, and profit metrics to be met, but then again, most of corporate America’s HR departments are now run by women. It doesn’t bode well for the future.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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