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Guns and sexism

Cosmo is still around, apparently, in the same way that Cracked is still around. And here’s a hysterical bit on how to talk about guns in relationship, if you’re prone to fits of PSH. In the silly little noninfographic, owning a gun for defense should be a concern. Well, Sparky, that’s pretty much why most people own guns.

9 Responses to “Guns and sexism”

  1. RandyGC Says:

    Could stomach it as far as the story about the woman killed by her boyfriend with a protection order and the question of “how did he get a gun?”. My question, “why didn’t she have a gun?”

  2. JimB Says:

    Cosmo should stick to articles on how to have hotter sex. The obviously no nothing about firearms or self protection if it doesn’t require a condom.

  3. Publicola Says:

    With apologies to Sir Mix A Lot..

    “…so Cosmo says ‘no gat’, well I ain’t down with that…”

  4. Divemedic Says:

    Two years ago, when I began dating my Fiance, she was a mildly antigun woman from New York.

    She has an appointment on March 3 with the Regional Office to get her CCW permit. Take that, Cosmo.

  5. john Says:

    I dont mind the graphic so much, seems pretty limited but if the gal is so out of touch that it’s helpful there are worse sources. And the things to watch for are real, up to and including the self-defense warning to watch for partners who are overly eager to cowboy up to a threat. Doesnt mean hea a bad guy, but def something to know ahead of time. I want my daughter escorted away from the mall shooter, not left alone so dude can make the papers.

  6. Bryan Says:

    This is actually a good thing. The idiot women who read Cosmo can go ahead and remove themselves from my dating pool.

  7. Fred Says:

    “I go target hooting with my friends” does NOT equal lower risk. Criminals lie, you see.

    “I carry a gun to shoot criminals while you call police” Is an actual sign of lower risk.

    “He considers violence as a reasonable response”
    Violence against violence is NOT reasonable, I agree, It is NECESSARY to effect your survival, which is again, not reasonable, it is the only option.

    P.s. girls, If he is abusive FREAKIN’ LEAVE NOW! Don’t wait to get shot.

  8. Sigivald Says:

    God bless you, Publicola.

    Too few people know about Mix-a-lot’s pro-2A work.

  9. JTC Says:

    A more succinct and more likely chat chart:

    He asks, are you familiar with firearms, maybe you’d like to go shooting sometime?

    She says, yeah, I’ll give it a shot.

    Both, after a range session, wow, most fun we’ve had with our clothes on.

    Deeper discussions, some training, more range sessions, and before you know it you’ve got a couple with a fun mutual hobby and the ability to make themselves and their loved ones safe and secure.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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