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How democratic

After Crushing Defeat, DNC Quirk Still Gives Hillary More New Hampshire Delegates Than Sanders

Felling berned.

8 Responses to “How democratic”

  1. tincankilla Says:

    but superdelegates can switch. they will, IF bernie can show that he has passionate dem voters behind him.

  2. bogie Says:

    That is not a quirk, that was the plan. They want control over who the nominee will be. I’m sure there is a similar system for the other side – but we won’t be informed of it unless Trump takes 49 states by a hefty margin but someone else ends up being the nominee.

  3. The_Jack Says:

    Indeed. The *only* purpose of the super delegates is to have a select pool of people to counter the popular will of the outer party.

    And when 20-25% of the delegate votes come from the inner party, then they have a pretty strong /veto/.

    Otherwise there’d be no *point*.

    Here’s a fun bit of math (Say 20% of the delegates are super delegates. Say Hillary wins those by more than 90%, Well she only needs to win 40% of the other delegate votes to get a majority.)

    (Yes that means Hillary could lose to Bernie by 20% on the actual primaries and caucuses and *still* come out ahead)

    And as stated before the /only/ purpose of having so many super delegates would be so they could act contrary to the way the primaries and caucuses go

  4. Manish Says:

    They came up in 2008 as well, though most super-delegates were shamed into supporting Obama in the end as not to overturn the will of the people. I suspect the same thing will happen again.

  5. Jake Says:

    @bogie: The GOPe tends to control the nominee list by twisting the rules to exclude the unacceptable candidates from the early debates. That way, the undesirables can’t build enough of a base to survive the primaries.

    I’m sure they have a backup plan for when someone (like Trump) manages to survive that, though.

  6. Ron W Says:

    That’s strange, I haven’t heard Bernie complain about that demise of democracy in the Democratic Party.

  7. Sandy Says:

    It’s not a quirk, when it’s the plan all along…

  8. Fred Says:

    Can the Clinton’s and Bush’s go away already? UGH!!!

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