Archive for February, 2016

February 18, 2016

Trump and gun rights

While he has a questionable past on the issue, he seems to be fairly strong these days. They can learn, you know.

Well, you can’t take them to the anti-gun range

What Happened When I Took My Friend to the Range


No changes to legislative plaza gun ban

5 Things Every Reasonable Gun Owner Ought To Know

From a defense attorney. The first point, any good wookiee suiter should be able to figure out: Do Not Make Any Statements After A Shooting

Gun Porn

EDC. Mine is pretty much the same: Plastic gun, Spyderco, and I don’t carry a light. I have a phone. And my holster isn’t that, err, loud.

M&Ps fit all sizes

February 17, 2016

Jacket drawstring or booger hook on the bang switch?

Local man shoots self with gun while in the bathroom.

They see him trollin’

They hatin’

The New AutoMag

The return of the .44 caliber semi-auto pistol!

3 days in the gun shop

Bloomberg Reporter Paul Barrett spent three days behind the counter at a gun store. Not a bad piece. If someone said they were from Bloomberg, I don’t know why a shop owner would let them stay.

On Trader Joe’s “gun ban”

So, moms demand something or another said Trader Joe’s banned guns at their stores. Turns out, they just banned open carry in Texas. Of course, they still want us to know they don’t like guns very much:

To be clear, we do not welcome weapons of any kind in our stores and never have. While there are laws in place allowing for openly carrying firearms, we would very much prefer that customers not bring guns into our stores.

Gun Porn

Carbine 2016. I have the Burris M-Tac on one of my 6920s and can’t say enough nice things about it.

Roy Rogers’ gun

Whitney-Kennedy Lever Action Rifles

February 16, 2016

We’re number 5!

States with the most carry permits per population: Alabama, South Dakota, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.

Of those still left, he does suck the least

I too would vote for Cruz just because of the supreme court picks.

Gun Noises

Yes, they’re loud:

Feel the Bern

Bernie Sanders, The Bum Who Wants Your Money. Basically, a slob who never had a job until he was 40 and it was a government job. The only thing I wonder is, if that was the case, how did he get elected as mayor?

Of course, given that his list of congressional accomplishments consist of naming post offices after people, it wouldn’t surprise me.

TN Guns on Campus

A bill to allow people to keep guns in their car has cleared a committee. Your car is an awful long way to go to get a gun when you need it. And, since you’re at your car, you should probably just leave.

Voice of experience

Experience a terror attack, oppose gun control.

Gun Porn

Sharps .25-45 AR-15. Sharps makes ARs?

February 15, 2016

A handy thing I never knew I needed

I was perusing the bookface the other day and saw where Sean had mentioned the KeySmart. I’m a key simpleton. For years, my key ring consisted of a car key, office key, P-38, and a handcuff key*. Now, by virtue of locking stuff up on job sites, I have to carry more keys out of necessity. And this thing works to give the key ring a minimalist feel:


And the keys come come out similar to a Swiss Army Knife, I got the red for that reason:


I even got the handcuff key in there, it fits fine with the included spacers. You can get a red one here.

* People say to me Hey, Uncle, why do carry a handcuff key?

To get people out of handcuffs, of course. And when you own a set of them and have small kids who like to handcuff each other to stuff, that happens more often than you’d think.

Have they tried just not selling guns to drug dealers?

The Daily Signal:

In the second report, the inspector general concludes that while the ATF and Justice Department have implemented most of the recommendations the Inspector General made in 2012 to correct the serious management flaws he found at the ATF, the same cannot be said for the other law enforcement agencies within the Justice Department: the FBI, the U.S. Marshalls Service (USMS), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The inspector general made clear that his prior recommendations were intended not just to strengthen oversight of ATF, but to ensure that the mistakes that were made by ATF and the Department of Justice were not repeated at the other law enforcement divisions of DOJ.

More on gas cans

I’ve mentioned before that if you know anyone who doesn’t mind government regulation, have them go buy a gas can. Well, someone else is talking about it too:

so I had to get a can of gas from the local car shop. I started to pour it in. But, hmmm, this is strange. The nozzle doesnt quite go in. I tilted it up and tried to jam it in.

I waited. Then I noticed gas pouring all down the side of the car. So I pulled it out and experimented by pouring it on the ground. There was some weird contraption on the outside and it wasnt clear how it worked.

I poured more and more on the ground. Some got on my shoe. Some got on my hands. Some got on my suit.

Gas was everywhere really everywhere but in the tank. It was a gassy mess. If someone had lit a match, I would have been a goner.

Yeah, I’ve only ever spilled it in the driveway or in grass. You can, of course, unfuck your gas can. Or buy the military style cans, they sell them at Amazon.

Where Great Britain Used To Be

Laser pointers should be classified as offensive weapons

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

Anti-gun former governor Eliot Spitzer accused of assaulting a woman.


It’s this again. Looking to make the Barrett 50 the official state rifle.

Things you can and can’t do on facebook

You can host a group that advocates threatening law-abiding citizens. But you can’t host a group that sells lawful products.

We’re winning

A surprising number of college professors are pro gun.


Why Amy Schumer Is So Popular

The fight for 5

A look at filling Scalia’s seat:

The Senate has to hold firm, because the very existence of the Second Amendment as any kind of meaningful right is at stake.

Yes. The two landmark gun cases were 5-4.

And I’ve seen conspiracy theories regarding his death on the internet. Ugh. Srsly?

In NJ, toys are illegal

A comedian has been charged with weapons possession for using an Airsoft prop on a movie set.

Gun Porn

Wood AR furniture. I’ve kind of been wanting a wooden 20 inch.

Uncrating Thompsons in 1942

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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