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AR-15 Condom

Well, I did not know they made these. Keeps STDs (Sh*t, Trash, and Debris) out of your barrel.

6 Responses to “AR-15 Condom”

  1. Chas Says:

    Originally, they were custom made for Spike Lee, but the manufacturer found that the little things would fit on AR muzzle brakes too.

  2. Huck Says:

    So what happened to the issue black hard plastic caps that fit over the muzzle of the M16 rifle? We were issued those when I was in the National Guard in the late 80s/early 90s and I would assume that the hard plastic would hold up better than that soft stuff.

  3. Fred Says:

    The sheepskin ones may not be completely effective. Oh wait, we’re talking about guns here right?

  4. Robert Says:

    From what I understand, GI’s used them on their M1’s during amphibious operations back in WW2. The advantage being that you didn’t have to remove it once you hit the beach.

  5. treefroggy Says:

    Send a pack to Trump .

  6. ParatrooperJJ Says:

    Huck – They’re available on Amazon…

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