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Silencers in the news

Not just for hitman. Despite the silly headline, it’s a decent look at the increase in popularity in suppressors and a, mostly, factual presentation of what they actually do:

The U.S. gun industry is trying to shake off the Hollywood hitman image of the gun silencer and rebrand it as a hearing-protection device in a campaign to roll back regulations that date to the 1930s.

Industry lobbying has led to more than a dozen states legalizing silencers for hunting since 2011. Now gun advocates are pressing Congress to repeal a Depression-era law that requires a months-long screening process for silencer buyers – far more scrutiny than gun buyers face.

3 Responses to “Silencers in the news”

  1. Chas Says:

    Suppressors are mandatory for internal combustion engines, but prohibited for firearms. We have a Second Amendment right to firearms, but not internal combustion engines.
    In related news, Americans pride themselves on their rationality.

  2. Ratus Says:

    I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

    Repeal the NFA!

  3. Lyle Says:

    Just one of many examples of the fact that we still live in the Prohibition era.

    I once argued that we never truly learned the lessons of Prohibition, but now I realize that the Progressives (Democrats and Republicans) learned them well and have been working to expand upon them ever since, with some measure of success.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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