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Permitless carry goes down in TN

A senate committee defeated the proposal. The governor lauded them for it.

10 Responses to “Permitless carry goes down in TN”

  1. Old NFO Says:

    That sucks… And TN is turning purple… Sigh

  2. HL Says:

    Agreed NFO…but I think all the Red states are turning purple. Rugged Individualism is on its way out. We had a great country once. Too many voting for a living.

  3. qmony Says:

    Maybe the 544,000 CCW holders will remember this when election day rolls around.

    HL:”Too many voting for a living.”

    You sure hit the nail on the head there.

  4. Ron W Says:

    As a candidate, Bill Haslam promised Tennessee Firearms Association that he would support Constitutional Carry. It is precisely pursuant to our DECLARED RIGHT in Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee Constitution DECLARATION OF RIGHTS. Therefor the Governor and ALL Legislators are DUTY bound by their oaths of office, to support our RIGHT to carry arms for self defense. It is UNLAWFUL to require permit and payment to exercise a RIGHT!!!!

  5. Daniel in Brookline Says:

    “We’ve passed a lot of bills based on handgun carry permit holders, and it just felt wrong to kind of change the game in the middle of it,” Haslam said.

    You lost me at “just felt wrong to kind of”.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Governor, it’s not about your feelings, but keeping your oath to the State Constitution, Article I, Section 26 of which makes it your DUTY to support a bill precisely pursuant to a DECLARED RIGHT!

  7. Lyle Says:

    That’s what we call a “Consipracy to Deprive Rights” or “Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law”, depending on which federal crime we want to charge them with (18 USC 241 or 18 USC 242, respectively).

  8. Ron W Says:

    @Lyle, And many more federal officials since there are NO delegated powers in the U.S. Constitution for any gun control laws pertaining to the People.

  9. Mike V Says:

    What would you expect from a Govenor who used to belong to Bloomberg’s Mayors against guns group?

  10. MD Person Says:

    Could be worse: the Republican Governor of Maryland is actively pushing pushing to defend an Assault Weapons Ban in federal court.

    But then again he said he was a “Chris Christie Republican” when he was running for office.

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