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The .gov must be able to break into your phone because taxes

Amazing how all this stuff that the .gov wants BECAUSE TERRORISM is being used for other things. But at least this time, Obama admits it:

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday made a passionate case for mobile devices to be built in such a way as to allow government to gain access to personal data if needed to prevent a terrorist attack or enforce tax laws.

7 Responses to “The .gov must be able to break into your phone because taxes”

  1. Fred Says:

    Well, it took eight years but he did it. Barry Hussein told the truth.

  2. Huck Says:

    HIMHO, he only told part of the truth Fred. His stated reasons are only a part of it. I believe that his primary reason is to find out who opposes him and his ilk.

  3. MJM Says:

    Added to my long list of why the income tax must be repealed.

  4. Jeffersonian Says:

    fuc* Obama.

    Sorry if this causes you problems. Please let me know and I will back off. But still. Fuc* Obama. He is the eternal POS although current POSOTUS.

  5. KM Says:

    “Terrorist” is quite the buzzword when the Powers That Be want to take more power.

    The HUGE majority of cases where LEOs want a phone hacked are drug cases. The War on Drugs has done far more damage than good to what was once our Republic.

  6. Joe Says:

    I guarantee you that taxes = war on drugs… so RACIST!

  7. Mr Evilwrench Says:

    I doubt that there’s any interest in taxes per se with this proposal, that’s just part of the word salad he serves up trying to misdirect our attention. There’s a distinction between “not really lying” and actually telling the truth. I do trust him implicitly, though, to be working against us.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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