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For God’s sake

So, a bunch of social justice warriors feel threatened over a presidential slogan written in chalk. I shit you not. Even worse, the university is pandering to these hysterical loons. Says one special snowflake:

I dont deserve to feel afraid at my school.

Yeah, you do. Particularly if you’re that unable to react normally to a view you disagree with.

Somebody take these people to the woods and leave them there.

8 Responses to “For God’s sake”

  1. Ratus Says:

    Sir, what did the woods do to you that you’d inflict those SJW’s upon it?

  2. Thirdpower Says:

    Please tell me that’s an Onion article (I know, I know, it’s not).

    When I was 17, I was in the Navy. When I was 20 I was on an Aircraft Carrier cruising off the coast of North Korea. I have never been a picture of a ‘macho’ male. Many of my Army friends were combat vets by that age.

    These spineless infants should be ashamed of themselves.

    I weep for the future.

  3. Lyle Says:

    They can’t help it. They’ve been programmed. They’re still dangerous of course, and many may die because of what’s happening, but it’s not their fault.

  4. qmony Says:

    They deserve to be paddled until they stop being whiny little bitches.

  5. Ron W Says:

    So “social justice WARRIORS” are afraid if they see a candidates name scribbled in chalk??!! Shouldn’t the term “warriors” be replaced with “feelers” or something like it?

  6. Divemedic Says:

    These SJWs are the same ones who want guns confiscated? All I have to do to avoid confiscation is draw a picture of a gun in chalk, and they will run for their safe spaces.

  7. Greg Brown Says:

    They have probably been watching too many “chalk warfare” videos on youtube and think it’s real.

  8. Donny Anonny Says:

    Ron W, I’ve always felt that the term “Social Justice Bully” was much more appropriate.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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