More on guns at the GOP condition
Which is not gonna happen. But, it turns out, the petition for allowing carry there was started by an anti-gun, democrat, Hillary supporter.
Which is not gonna happen. But, it turns out, the petition for allowing carry there was started by an anti-gun, democrat, Hillary supporter.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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March 29th, 2016 at 6:14 pm
Did Jim have a Road-to-Damascus Moment, or was he trying to stir up dissent in the GOP ranks?
March 29th, 2016 at 6:32 pm
“…the petition for allowing carry there was started by an anti-gun, democrat, Hillary supporter.”
Not surprising. There are those who believe they will benefit from chaos. Couple that with their belief that guns cause chaos and you have a simple recipe.
I tend to look at the sweep of Shall Issue carry laws in the states over the last 2 decades as possibly having been facilitated to some degree by that sort of thinking. We know for example how much they like mass shootings. I any of them believed their own assertions about “blood running in the streets” due to concealed carry then it’s plauseable that they might have wanted to help make that happen.
Therefore when I encounter the oft-repeated “We’re Winning” slogan I take it with a grain of salt. Maybe we’re winning. Maybe some people believe that our winning will be our undoing. Maybe they’re counting on it.
Don’t get me wrong; This is all batshit crazy. I understand that it is batshit crazy, but it is a fact that there are more than a few batshit crazy people in this world.
March 29th, 2016 at 7:45 pm
rick – I think he wanted to prove a point. GOP is a bunch of hypocrites. Even a broke clock…
March 29th, 2016 at 9:21 pm
Any carried gun might end up needful, if the BLM goons decent on Cleveland in a recreation of the 68′ riots.
March 29th, 2016 at 10:54 pm
Of course it wouldn’t happen. The Secret Service does not allow anyone, civilian or off-duty police, to be armed in any venue under their protection, if the person is not working that protection detail, for a very simple and obvious reason: If something happens, and someone they don’t know pulls a weapon, they shoot him. They don’t want to mistakenly shoot a good guy. So if they don’t know you, you can’t carry in their protected venue. You may not like it, but try running a protection detail for very long any other way and see how it works out.
(By the way, I think you meant “convention,” not “condition.”)