Archive for March, 2016

March 18, 2016

The most transparent administration in history

The AP:

The Obama administration set a record for the number of times its federal employees told disappointed citizens, journalists and others that despite searching they couldn’t find a single page requested under the Freedom of Information Act, according to a new Associated Press analysis of government data.

Gun Porn

Counterfeit edition.

A Smill & Welson

The Most Famous Firearm Forgeries

March 17, 2016

What caliber for angry mob?

.40 apparently. A man pulls into his driveway and 15 – 20 young men were there gambling. They proceeded to start hurling rocks at him and jabbed him in the face with a stick, almost costing him his eye. His wife came out armed and chases the mob away. Good.

Of course, he may have been able to have prevented the whole thing if his employer didn’t ban guns on their property:

Changs wife also has a firearm-carry permit. Because he cant take his pistol to his workplace, Chang didnt have it Monday when he pulled into his driveway.

Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

At a Moms Demand Action rally:

The presence of a gun rights group at the Texas State Capitol during President Obamas visit to the SxSW festival elicited members of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense to call for gun violence against the group. Among other incitements to violence, Just shoot them all, and Shoot the a**bags, they said.

Moms Demand Action members posted, Do[n]t arrest them just shoot them, these people are crazy, Time to use an assault weapon on this trash, Just shoot them all, and Mow them down. Another added, a**hats. no one has taken your guns. you are the ones causing problems. [P]lease just shoot each other.

As the Open Carry Texas guy said:

Its my belief that the reason the Moms Demand Action crowd are so opposed to guns in the hands of the public is because they obviously cant be trusted with guns in public.

$15 per hour minimum wage?

Robot server!

Putting slogans on your guns: Good idea or bad?

In other news, the press didn’t get the memo that when the police have them they are “patrol rifles” and not “assault weapons”

So, a police officer wound up killing some guy. And his AR’s ejection port cover had engraved on the inside “you’re fucked”. This, apparently, may not sit well with the press, lawyer or a jury.

This may be one case where the Team America World Police ejection port would be less offensive.

Gun Porn

Glocks in new colors

AR18 rifles

March 16, 2016

And their vote counts as much as yours*

And, seriously, his name is Trevon?

Someone’s precious snowflake went out and tried to rob someone and, in the process of robbing someone, took a fatal bullet and was pronounced dead at the hospital. Prompting his cousin to say:

You have to look at it from every childs point of view that was raised in the hood, said Harris. You have to understand how he going to get his money to have clothes to go to school? You have to look at it from his point-of-view.

How about getting a damn job? And, no, you imbecile, I don’t have to look at it from his point of view. His view doesn’t matter. He was robbing a 54 year old woman. And some more gems from the piece Robb links:

Whats wrong with her, asked Johnsons sister Nisha Johnson when discussing the homeowner. She did not have to shoot him.

Its no reason she should have waited until I think he walked out the yard to try to shoot him, said Harris. If she called the police already why would she shoot him?

What’s wrong with her? Are you stupid?

* Assuming she’d old enough to vote.

Obama SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland

Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill Scalia’s slot. People keep parroting that he’s moderate. His record on civil liberties isn’t so hot. As Glenn points out I think hes a moderate in the sense that he approves of government invasions that come from the left and the right.

He doesn’t like free speech.

The Second Amendment Foundation and The National Rifle Association oppose his appointment to the court.

He supported a hearing to ban handguns in DC.

He supported a gun registry.

And back in 2008, Dave Kopel ran down his record on guns.

Once again @SenDougOverbey is no friend to gun owners

Doug Overbey votes with Democrats and the Police for Profit Class against Constitution

Of course, the for profit training is also done by individuals. The larger issue, I think, is that the state actually makes money on the handgun carry program, a rarity for government. And that is why, recently, the lowered the fees.

“fighting grassroots candidates that might actually represent the party’s base”

The Super Delegates:

How democratic!

Fast and Furious gun found at El Chapo’s place

It’s not new news. But it’s being printed in the AP now:

The Associated Press reported this morning that a .50 BMG rifle found at Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman’s hideout in January was one of the ones sold through a straw purchase in Operation Fast and Furious.

Gun Porn

.300 BLK Bolt-Action Rifle. I’d imagine one of those suppressed would be sweet since there’s no noise from the action.

Smith & Wesson Model 52

March 15, 2016

Media discovers .380 pocket pistols

A year after most people already stopped getting them. FoxNews:

The .380 semi-automatic handgun has become all the rage in firearms, as more states relax conceal-carry restrictions and men and women alike turn to a palm-sized gun that easily fits into a handbag, pocket or ankle holster. Production of the super-small handgun is at a 16-year high, with nearly 900,000 made in the U.S. in 2014, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

I don’t believe most polls so . . .

Ignoring those from Bloomberg shouldn’t be a problem. Most poll questions are structured to elicit some party’s desired response.


I never met ToddG of But I’ve read a lot of his stuff on line and people I respect in the firearms world respected him very much. It saddens me that he has lost his battle with cancer. RIP, sir.

In Tennessee

A bill prohibiting universities from taking action against those with permits that have guns in their car is advancing.

Science fiction

For every complex problem . . .

What media bias?

The three democrats lead in free media coverage. Granted, one is a pair of clown shoes who says he’s a republican and he wins by a lot.

The Trumpening

Yeah, basically.

The .gov must be able to break into your phone because taxes

Amazing how all this stuff that the .gov wants BECAUSE TERRORISM is being used for other things. But at least this time, Obama admits it:

U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday made a passionate case for mobile devices to be built in such a way as to allow government to gain access to personal data if needed to prevent a terrorist attack or enforce tax laws.

Gun Porn

Updating Oldschool

The Thompson Submachine Gun


March 14, 2016

John Kasich on guns

Here’s a letter from Bill Clinton thanking him for supporting the assault weapons ban. It’s funny but here, at the house, I’ve renamed the fast forward button on the TV remote the “Kasich button”

Come and take them

John Niven wants to take your guns. Well, he wants other people with guns to do it.

Happy ending

Customer shoots hatchet wielding attacker


Tiny robots move a car”

I’m surprised

I never would have thought the bill to remove suppressors from NFA would be gaining support and some traction:

It just makes sense, Salmon told The Daily Signal, because suppressors make a big difference, so that guys like me can shoot and keep their hearing.

Salmons father, a World War II veteran, introduced him to shooting as a sport when he was a boy. More than 50 years later, shooting has left Salmon wearing hearing aids.

Sort of a muffler for rifles and pistols, suppressors can reduce sound, flash, and recoil significantly during a gunshot. And though they dont completely silence the noise, the devices make guns quieter and safer, gun advocates say.

I like it

A bill to require courts to instruct jurors about jury nullification.

Politicized “research”

Medical journal editors make fools of themselves:

Leftist claims are so counter-factual that a political study is bound to require all sorts of distortions and evasions to make any case at all. And the political studies they do publish are so unscholarly that the editors have obviously put their brain into neutral before publishing them.

Gun Porn

Coolest new thing firearms technology.

Glock Nintendo Zapper

That is an old school Aimpoint.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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