AR-15 Condom
Well, I did not know they made these. Keeps STDs (Sh*t, Trash, and Debris) out of your barrel.
Well, I did not know they made these. Keeps STDs (Sh*t, Trash, and Debris) out of your barrel.
. . . it turns out most of the prosecutions are in New York City, and are for unlicensed handgun possession, a crime before the SAFE Act but which the SAFE Act raised from a misdemeanor to a felony.
Gun control: What you do instead of something.
The idiotic, socialist mayor of NYC says the recent increase in stabbings is because of the gun laws. Obviously, more knife laws are needed so more people can get hit with bats.
Two police officers in Baltimore claim their service weapons discharged while holstered. It is possible there was some sort of mechanical failure but odds are significantly against that. More likely a booger hook on the bang switch. Or possibly a draw string from a jacket in the holster.
For you locals, contact your reps: Permitless Carry Legislation Pending Committee Hearings
Meanwhile, some progress: A bill that would reduce gun permit fees another main piece of Gov. Bill Haslam’s legislative agenda received approval from a panel of lawmakers on Wednesday.
It’s amusing. While discussing your white privilege, don’t use the n word.
Tiny sombreros are not OK. Fur hats for commies are OK.
Tolerance: Lefties get bonkers over Jenner’s fondness for Ted Cruz.
Keanu can shoot:
I hadn’t heard.
An interesting read on how the left created Donald Trump. Well, so did the GOP establishment. I mean, they told us to put them in charge and they’d stop Obama. And then nothing.
And this cracked me right up:
We’re building a great handbasket, @iowahawkblog, the fastest handbasket ever. It’ll be *yuge*!
And for Hillary, well, this is interesting news:
Justice Dept. grants immunity to staffer who set up Clinton email server
Quick, somebody check to see if Al Gore shaved his beard and lost some weight.
From Aaron Clarey, The Curse of the High IQ. So far, it’s a pretty good look at problems I’d never before associated with being smarter than the average bear. The average bear is still pretty stupid though.
February was the third biggest month ever for NICS checks, a measure of gun sales.
CNN says 1 in 5 mass shooters stopped by potential victims.
When you’ve lost CNN . . .
TN has a law that says the police must sell confiscated guns. The press freaks out.
West Virginia to go permitless carry
Alabama permit holders to be exempt from additional background checks.
Sorry, took a test today. My brain and reading comprehension are all out for today. So, here’s a suppressed SBR Mosin Nagant:
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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