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In Colorado

Legislation to Repeal Magazine Ban Passes Senate. The NRA wants you to contact your rep.

One Response to “In Colorado”

  1. mikee Says:

    During the next legislative term (2013)following the Sandy Hook school massacre (2012), Colorado Dems passed this onerous law. In the intervening years, a few politicians lost office due to recalls, Magpull moved out of CO, and finally a repeal law has been moved through the CO Senate (no guarantee it will be signed or the governor’s veto overridden). It has taken years and the efforts of thousands and millions of dollars to get this far back to status quo ante.

    When do the pro-rights folks get to cause the anti-rights bigots to spend millions of dollars, attempt recalls of politicians, lose left-friendly industry in their states, and take years of effort by thousands of supporters, merely to get back to a position they held years earlier?

    May I suggest the legislature of Colorado pass Constitutional Carry, and stick is to the leftists as hard as possible with say, a state fund to provide free firearms and training to all state citizens, or at least the poverty stricken residents who can’t afford their own exercise of 2nd Amendment rights? And maybe Eddie Eagle in Elementary School, and compulsory Rights education including firearm training in High School?

    Let’s leave the opposition reeling for years to recover lost ground, instead of merely getting back some of the ground they gained recently.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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