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Like a poll tax

A $1,000 gun tax could be a role model for other US states.

5 Responses to “Like a poll tax”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Like a poll tax, only more likely to get poor people killed.

  2. Tirno Says:

    I’ve got a wicked cool idea to jiujitsu this right around: Pass a federal law that any state, local or federal taxes (not including general sales/use taxes) on equipment, supplies or services necessary to exercise an explicitly annotated Constitutionally protected right (no emanations of penumbras) is a tax credit (not deduction) against federal income tax.

    It will suddenly not look like such a good idea to pass sumptuary taxes on firearms.

  3. Ben C Says:

    Properly pursued, a successful court fight against this punitive tax could set an excellent batch of groundwork to attack the NFA punitive tax in 5-7 years.

  4. mikee Says:

    How about instead of taking 5 to 7 years to set groundwork, we immediately pass a federal law outlawing all taxes on constitutionally enumerated rights, with felony-level penalties against any legislator who votes for same.

    Let the other side spend 5 to 7 years in prison, instead of our side taking 5 to 7 years to beat back a bad law.

  5. Chas Says:

    It’s a pity that knives are now so obsolete that they can’t kill anyone anymore.

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