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Never thought I’d see that

Blackhawk! right next to Uncle Mike’s:


4 Responses to “Never thought I’d see that”

  1. SD3 Says:

    Chicks with dicks?

  2. Gladorn Says:

    I remember when Uncle Mikes made some really good equipment. Heck, I still have some of their nylon triple retention holsters from back in the day. Then the mid 00’s happened and they were producing bottom end junk. Belt keepers would break apart, that type of thing.

    It appears that Uncle Mikes and Blackhawk are actually sharing the same display backing. Are they owned by the same company now?

  3. pancho Says:

    Bushnell owned Uncle Mikes, along with Hoppes, Tasco Simmons and several other brands. ATK, who owns Blackhawk purchased Bushnell a couple years ago.

  4. SPQR Says:

    Next: cats and dogs using the same bathroom.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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