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No right to a machine gun

The third circuit has ruled.

5 Responses to “No right to a machine gun”

  1. mikee Says:

    I am amused that the US military allows civilians in Iraq to own AK full auto assault rifles for self defense, while the same rifle is considered completely unacceptable for that same use here.

    Are we that condescending of foreigners, and downright racist, that we will let them use tools that we are too refined,evolved, advanced as a nation to use ourselves? Is this not a great example of the very real bigotry of the left, letting others keep using what we disdain for our own?

  2. Erik Says:

    I think the issue the courts aren’t looking at is a giggle switch is really a gimmick. Now don’t go arguing against me just start telling people it’s an impractical gimmick that Hollywood has demonized. Gimmicks are less scary and less likely to be banned.

  3. Linoge Says:

    I told people that “in common use for lawful purposes” was going to be a bitch to work around.

    I hate it when I’m right.

  4. Ron W Says:

    @Linoge, yes you’re right! As it has been said by one of the most radical of the American Revolution: “How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words.”– Samuel Adams

    The United States has NO enumerated delegated powers for any of this and without which it may do NOTHING! (10th Amendment)

  5. TS Says:

    So they didn’t read Miller?

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