The Trumpening
Best Election Ever
I’m greatly amused by the election. It’s such a fantastic shit show to watch unfold. On the Democrat side, you have Hillary and her Super Delegates (which count as like 10,000 regular democrats) resoundingly beating the Sandernistas. How democratic.
On the Republican side, the Trumpanzees crack me right up. Seriously, a guy running for office should know how the election he’s running in works. He clearly doesn’t nor do his people. And to watch them whine about a rigged system (which it is, so you know, but not as rigged as the Democrat election) is kind of sad.
It’s a race to 1,237 delegates. You get those, and you’re running for the job of Presidenting. If you don’t, then the convention is contested and you try to win there. I’m amazed at how many people simply do not understand this. It’s their party and their rules, which they will change on a whim if it suits them. Ask Ron Paul.
Those guys should know this stuff.
And watching right wing and mainstream media go ALL TRUMP ALL THE TIME is getting tiresome. I mean, between Trumpbart, The Trump Report, Trump and Friends, Trumpity, The Trump Factor, TrumpSNBC and TrumpNN (ok, I made those last two up), it’s everywhere. All this for a guy who is probably going to get doxxed in the general. Someone has dirt on him.
I would kind of like to watch he and Hillary debate though. He’d eat her alive. And be called a sexist for it.