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New media term

Yeah, what exactly is a “suicide vest“?

4 Responses to “New media term”

  1. Michael Says:

    I was always under the impression that a “suicide vest” is an explosive vest for suicide bombings. Very different from armor or LBE, referenced by NJT.

  2. Gerry Says:

    A suicide vest is the finishing piece in a 3 piece suicide suit. The well dressed suicide bomber will also feature a colorful bow tie, blue striped button down shirt and black, never brown loafers and calf length sheer socks.

    GQ Magazine

  3. JK Brown Says:

    Well, back in the ’70s, a sweater vest was a dating suicide vest.

  4. Grunkle Stan Says:

    JK- and if you’re Rick Santorum, it’s a political suicide vest

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