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The top some number of reasons to own an AR-15

For whenever someone says “why do you need an AR-15?”:

None of your damned business.

What’s “need” got do with anything?

Because I can.

To shoot totalitarians who think they get to determine what I need.

To annoy people like you.

Because fuck you, that’s why.

Standard snark aside, the reason anyone owns any gun is to put holes in things at a distance. If you have a gun for defense, then you have that gun, as Tom Givens said in his training class, to shoot people. Because sometimes, people need to be shot.

19 Responses to “The top some number of reasons to own an AR-15”

  1. Lyle Says:

    We might just as well ask; “Why do you think you ‘need’ to control what other people own?”


    “What’s wrong with you that you feel you must control other people’s choices?”

    If we’re going to play that game we can win it, with a much stronger foundation in principle.

    Of course another unasailable argument is;
    “If you believe that making something illegal makes it stop, then Prohibition would have put an end to drinking, the War on Drugs would have stopped all drug use, and since murder has beel illegal for thousands of years there’d be no murder and we would therefore not be having this conversation.

    “So if you want to create a government-enforced monopoly on guns, reserving them for the exclusive use of those willing to break the law, disarming only the law-abiding, then explain why.”

  2. MAS Says:

    Because when you need a LEO now, they are only minutes away after you call 911.

  3. Jim Says:

    A cop is too heavy to carry.

  4. Fred Says:

    Do you swallow?

  5. Thomas H. Agee Says:

    Went out & bought an AR15 yesterday. GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  6. W. Fleetwood Says:

    My answer is usually, “I personally don’t care for the Stoner/Sullivan platform but when Diane Fienstein and Chuckie Schumer want to ban something it becomes the patriotic duty of a free citizen to obtain at least one of them. Thank God those idiots didn’t choose Perazzi over and unders!” This has on occasion led to an actual conversation and some mind changing. Not all that often, but sometimes.

  7. JTC Says:

    “an” AR-15?

  8. qmony Says:

    I think I like “Because fuck you, that’s why” the best.

  9. Weer'd Beard Says:

    We really need to embrace the “To shoot people who need to get shot” argument, because you can easily argue against hunting, target shooting, and collecting. It’s a LOT harder to argue against lawful self defense….and the anti-gun forces who are drafting bans are anti self defense….and claim to have “common sense”.

    there are people who think we need bans and restrictions out of ignorance….rather than having them ask us why we need x piece of hardware, we need them asking the gun grabbers why they’re against gays shooting a terrorist who’s out to murder them.

  10. Bram Says:

    The ammo’s cheaper than 6.5 Grendel, Remington .260, and .308.

  11. JTC Says:

    Weer’d…no, that leaves the door open for the sage advice and followers of the esteemed PD expert Uncle Joe:

    “You don’t need an AR-15 or 30 rounds; buy a shotgun…buy a shotgun!”

    Oh, and make it a double barrel and if you feel threatened, walk outside and fire off the only two rounds you have into the air. That way you won’t stand a chance of actually hurting one of my poor innocent misunderstood constituents who’s there to rob and kill you, but is not really a bad person. (What the eff is that asking those questions? Male? Female? Other?)

  12. Ron W Says:

    I would ask, “so will this ban be non-discriminatory and apply equally to EVERYONE, you know, according to “the equal protection of the laws” in the 14th Amendment?

  13. MajMike Says:

    “To shoot people who need shooting.” I like that and I will steal it.

  14. HL Says:

    Because I was born with neither jagged claws nor sharp teeth.

  15. Ron W Says:

    The same reason WE HIRE armed security for OUR EMPLOYEES, like the President, Congress and other government officials and agents. And by the way, the employers are greater than the employees.

  16. SPQR Says:

    Weer’d, the gun control puppets are already loudly arguing against self defense.

    They boldly proclaim that you can’t shoot an intruder because the intruder is innocent until proven guilty.

    No, I’m not making that up.

  17. Ron W Says:

    SPQR, they’re innocent until proven guiIty when they go to court. A reason to own a semi-auto self defense rifle is to give an intruder what he needs instead of what he wants. Then the perp won’t need his “day in court.”

  18. Lyle Says:

    Because I can’t throw an object at 3,000 feet per second using my bare hands?

    “They boldly proclaim that you can’t shoot an intruder because the intruder is innocent until proven guilty.”

    Yeah; just because someone pulls a gun on you doesn’t prove that he intends to shoot you, and just because he fires a round at you doesn’t mean he intends to actually kill you. Therefore you have no right to defend yourself until after you’re legally dead, and even then there’s no conclusive proof that the attacker actually intended to kill you– He may have intended to just wound you and in that case your death is an accident caused solely by easy access to guns, and in that case you asked for it if you support the second amendment and the NRA. So essentially you committed suicide. QED.

  19. Ron W Says:

    “The rifle is a weapon. Let there be no mistake about that. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. It is equally useful in securing meat for the table, destroying group enemies on the battlefield, and resisting tyranny. In fact, it is the only means of resisting tyranny, since a citizenry armed with rifles simply cannot be tyrannized.”

    “The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.”

    — Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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